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martedì 20 novembre 2018


Il 2019 è ufficialmente iniziato!
Oggi sulla pista di Valencia sono cominciati i primi test per la stagione 2019 con Joan Mir nuovo alfiere Suzuki.
La giornata è cominciata con pista bagnata poi verso le 11,00 i piloti sono entrati in pista per la loro presa di confidenza chi con evoluzioni della propria moto chi con moto completamente nuove.
In casa Suzuki Joan Mir si è trovato subito a suo agio e Alex Rins continua il lavoro da dove si era concluso con l'ultima gara del campionato.
Questa giornata vede Rins in 12" posizione staccato di 0,986 da Vinales primo e Mir 15" staccato di 1,371 dal miglior tempo di giornata.
Domani vedremo se i piloti cominceranno a spingere di più sul gas o se continueranno il lavoro di sviluppo e presa di confidenza con i particolari 2019.

2019 is officially started!
Today on the Valencia track the first tests for the 2019 season began with Joan Mir, new Suzuki standard bearer.
The day began with a wet track then around 11.00 the drivers entered the track for their confidence when those with their bikes evolve those with completely new bikes.
At home Suzuki Joan Mir was immediately at ease and Alex Rins continues the work from where it ended with the last race of the season.
This day sees Rins in 12 "position detached of 0.986 from Vinales first and Mir 15" detached of 1,371 from the best time of the day.
Tomorrow we will see if the riders will start to push more on the gas or if they will continue the work of development and confidence with the details 2019.


lunedì 7 marzo 2016


I waited a few days to write the impressions on the result of the last test.
I would like to dream and slowly we always believe more, if the first output could be say a good ride and could be a case to improve so great to send Vinales on the top list then we got the last test where more and Suzuki with Vinales it is confirmed in the ball.
The young Spanish rider shows that the bike has improved significantly, and seems to fit very well more to him than to Espargaro, in the hope that Aleix has the confidence that can be traced back as his companion.
Lorenzo the most consistent driver has been confirmed and faster in all tests, and second Maverick has always placed in the top positions them and everyone else behind those with more or less serious problems that can be a big help in the start of the season.
Now there are very few days at the start of the season and Suzuki shows a competitive package that can scare them before, and we hope so because if first we thought it was just a shot in a good lap now there's confirmation and we are all impatient to see what happens at the start.
Maybe we can not win the world but from what we saw p will play in the top positions, and what do you think?

sabato 20 febbraio 2016


It ended the three days of testing on the Australian circuit you return home with a large amount of data, information, ideas, work to do.
The third and final day of testing sees best Marquez on the track followed by the Suzuki rider Vinales still in the early positions, confirming the step forward made by both the Gsx-rr but bigger was his leap and now in this first part of evidence It collects the results.
Less happy but still satisfied with the job done is the position Espargaro 'not so fast as the companion, with some technical problem but concentranto on more than running development work to the best time.
The weeks pass and the day of the beginning of the world is fast approaching, the current climate inside the box is definitely good, looking good times of the three days Vinales was by far the fastest driver and this is well hope in the future of the season to set a certain type of work and development of the bike to be constantly with the first and maybe be able on occasion to give a hard time for the top positions.
Conclusa la tre giorni di test sul circuito Australiano si torna a casa con un grande quantitativo di dati,informazioni,idee,lavoro da fare.
La terza e ultima giornata di test vede Marquez migliore in pista seguito dal pilota Suzuki Vinales ancora nelle prime posizioni confermando il passo in avanti fatto sia dalla Gsx-rr ma piu grande è stato il suo salto di qualità e adesso in questa prima parte di prove raccoglie i risultati.
Meno felici ma comunque soddisfatti per il lavoro fatto è la posizione di Espargaro' non cosi veloce come il compagno,con qualche noia tecnica ma concentranto sul lavoro di sviluppo più che la corsa al miglior tempo.
Le settimane passano e il giorno dell'inizio del mondiale è sempre più vicino,l'aria che tira all'interno del box è sicuramente buona, guardando bene i tempi dei tre giorni Vinales è stato in assoluto il pilota più veloce e questo fa ben sperare in prospettiva della stagione per impostare un certo tipo di lavoro e sviluppo della moto per stare costantemente con i primi e magari riuscire in qualche occasione a dare del filo da torcere per le prime posizioni.

mercoledì 17 febbraio 2016


First day of testing for the MotoGP in Australia with all the riders lined up for this session where all the houses are to test new or have the confirmations of the pieces tested in Malaysia.
Time does not allow truce today with periods of rain and other dry, which complicates the task of all the drivers without having the opportunity to have a good setting to carry out the planned work.
In Suzuki registers the Second place Vinales behind Petrucci, is a nice confidence boost the position of today, this means that in maverick critical condition is in good shape and can have their say.
For against this weather condition will not be the Possibilia to do the work that the Team had planned both to improve the electronics that is a big question mark for all that to refine the seamless exchange where Suzuki brought here two version to be tested on Gsx- RR.
Aleix instead is located at the back having not done a lot of laps in order to avoid unnecessary risks that we may be falling under these conditions.
Let's say that at the end of the ranking of the times today is not given much from the wealth of news flow from various teams but only from the wrist of the drivers.
Tomorrow hopefully in better weather um to see some most interesting having available also for Suzuki pilot testers for faster work.

Prima giornata di test in Australia per la MotoGp con tutti i piloti schierati per questa sessione dove tutte le case devono testare le novità o avere le conferme dei pezzi provati in Malesia.
Il tempo non concede tregua oggi con momenti di pioggia e altri di asciutto che complica il compito di tutti i piloti senza avere la possibilità di avere un buon setting per svolgere il lavoro programmato.
In casa Suzuki si registra il Secondo posto di Vinales dietro a Petrucci,è una bella iniezione di fiducia la posizione di oggi,questo vuol dire che in condizioni critiche maverick è messo bene e può dire la sua.
Per contro questa condizione meteo non da la possibilià di svolgere il lavoro che il Team aveva programmato sia per migliorare l'elettronica che è un grande punto interrogativo per tutti che per affinare il cambio Seamless dove Suzuki qui portava la versione due da testare sulla Gsx-RR.
Aleix invece si trova nelle retrovie non avendo fatto molti giri per evitare inutili rischi che ci possono essere cadendo in queste condizioni.
Diciamo che alla fine la classifica dei tempi di oggi non è data molto dalle novià portate dalle varie scuderie ma solamente dal polso dei piloti.
Domani si spera in um meteo migliore per vedere qualche dato più interessante avendo a disposizione per Suzuki anche pilota tester per velocizzare il lavoro.

1. PETRUCCI, Danilo - Octo Pramac Yakhnich - 1:31.764 
2. VIÑALES, Maverick - Team SUZUKI ECSTAR - 1:32.483 - +0.719 – Lap 20 / 20 3. SMITH, Bradley - Monster Yamaha Tech 3 - 1:32.590 - +0.826 – Lap 27 / 27 
4. REDDING, Scott - Octo Pramac Yakhnich - 1:32.864 - +1.100 – Lap 33 / 41 
5. CRUTCHLOW, Cal - LCR Honda - 1:32.948 - +1.184 – Lap 21 / 21 
6. ROSSI, Valentino - Movistar Yamaha MotoGP - 1:33.088 - +1.324 – Lap 26 / 27 
7. ESPARGARO, Pol - Monster Yamaha Tech 3 - 1:33.126 - +1.362 – Lap 20 / 20 
8. HERNANDEZ, Yonny - Aspar MotoGP Team - 1:33.841 - +2.077 – Lap 6 / 6 
9. MILLER, Jack - Marc VDS Racing Team - 1:33.992 - +2.228 – Lap 6 / 6 
10. IANNONE, Andrea - Ducati Team - 1:34.049 - +2.285 – Lap 7 / 9 
11. RABAT, Tito - EG 0.0 Marc VDS - 1:35.273 - +3.509 – Lap 28 / 29 
12. MARQUEZ, Marc - Repsol Honda Team - 1:35.354 - +3.590 – Lap 18 / 20 
13. ESPARGARO, Aleix - Team SUZUKI ECSTAR - 1:35.584 - +3.820 – Lap 2 / 2 
14. LAVERTY, Eugene - Aspar MotoGP Team - 1:35.679 - +3.915 – Lap 5 / 10 
15. TSUDA, Takuya - Suzuki Test Team - 1:36.166 - +4.402 – Lap 6 / 6 16. LORENZO, Jorge - Movistar Yamaha MotoGP - 1:39.825 - +8.061 – Lap 14 / 24 
17. PEDROSA, Dani - Repsol Honda Team - 1:40.138 - +8.374 – Lap 15 / 15

lunedì 1 febbraio 2016


Sepang Test Day 1.
After a long time of silence MotoGP back on the engines and begins to get serious.
All riders in the premier class at the Malaysian track for these three days of intense testing, our riders Espargaro and Vinales find their team and so much material to be tested, the new bike with the new seamless gearbox, new electronics, and Michelin tires.
The day was full and the good weather favor the job and both drivers make several laps not to look for pure performance, but to check the basis of the new bike comparing it to 2015 also present her in the box.
First impressions of the two drivers are very good, they are happy with the first impression of the new bike and pleasantly surprised by the new gearbox still be refined, but with a big margin of improvement in OA, the same argument concerning the electronics and the new engine with more power available and performance well above the previous season, speech instead applies to all drivers are the new Michelin tires for all new and much improved compared to the last test, however, the general view is that there has been a lot of work by Suzuki to make a step further and actually give the possibility to obtain results that count.
Over the next two days the work will still be on taking data and the various tests of new pieces brought to the two drivers, hoping that maybe in the third day audition also to seek the lap time.
Today the best was Jorge Lorenzo with a time of 2.00.684 Espargaro in ninth position with 2.02.539 and Vinales in 11 position with 2.02.645.
To be reckoned with in these tests will also be Stoner who still try his Ducati in the next two days ..... its time 2:02 .... did on the day of his return can put fear in many drivers.

Test Sepang Giorno 1.
Dopo tanto tempo di silenzio la MotoGp riaccende i motori e comincia a fare sul serio.
Tutti i piloti della classe regina sul tracciato malese per questa tre giorni intensa di test,i nostri piloti Espargarò e Vinales ritrovano il loro Team e tantissimo materiale da provare,la nuova moto con il nuovo cambio seamless,nuova elettronica,e gomme Michelin.
La giornata è stata piena ed il meteo buono favoriscono il lavoro ed entrambi i piloti effettuano parecchi giri non per cercare la prestazione pura ma per verificare la base della nuova moto paragonandola alla 2015 presente anche lei nel box.
Le prime impressioni dei due piloti sono molto buone,sono contenti della prima impressione della nuova moto e piacevolmente stupiti dal nuovo cambio ancora da affinare ma con grande margine di migioramento,stesso discorso per quanto riguarda l'elettronica ed il nuovo motore con più potenza disponibile e prestazioni nettamente superiori alla passata stagione,discorso che invece vale per tutti i piloti sono le nuove gomme Michelin,nuove per tutti e molto migliorate rispetto all'ultimo test,comunque la visione generale è che ci sia stato un grosso lavoro da parte di Suzuki per fare un ulteriore passo in avanti e dare realmente la possibilità di ottenere risultati che contano.
Nei prossimi due giorni il lavoro sarà ancora sulla presa dei dati e sulle varie prove dei nuovi pezzi portati per i due piloti,sperando che magari nel terzo giorno provino anche a cercare il tempo sul giro.
Oggi il migliore è stato Jorge lorenzo con il tempo di 2.00.684 Espargarò in 9 posizione con 2.02.539 e Vinales in 11 posizione con 2.02.645.
Da non sottovalutare in questi test sarà anche Stoner che proverà ancora la sua Ducati nelle prossime due suo tempo 2.02.... fatto nel giorno del suo ritorno può mettere paura a molti piloti.


domenica 15 marzo 2015


Ended the first day of testing in Qatar you pull on the first sums of time looking at the standings.
We are exactly one week from the start of the World Cup in 2015 and all the teams arrive at the Losail circuit to find the best setup of his bike and try to fight for the top positions.
Suzuki arrives on qesto track where he tries to find the best settings for a good race and bring the mouse Team.
Espargarò ansiosio was coming here to see the behavior of the bike at this track and make a comparison between the tire compounds.
Vinales is still in the process of apprenticeship for the jump in the new class, but with his enormous talent shows that he has to work but there is still a lot to increase the confidence with the bike and push harder.
At the end of the first day we find Aleix fourth with 4/10 delay by Iannone first and eleventh Vinales with 8/10 of delay, the drivers can feel satisfied with the work done anyway offi and the result, thanks to the good potential of the bike plan plan comes out.

Conclusa la prima giornata di test in Qatar si tirano le prime somme guardando la classifica dei tempi.
Siamo ad una settimana esatta dall'inizio del Mondiale 2015 e tutte le scuderie arrivano sul circuito di Losail per trovare il miglior setup delle proprie moto e cercare di lottare per le prime posizioni.
Suzuki arriva su qesta pista dove cerca di trovare il setting migliore per fare una buona gara e avvicinare i topo Team.
Espargarò era ansiosio di arrivare qui per vedere il comportamento della moto su questa pista e fare una comparazione tra le mescole delle gomme.
Vinales è ancora in fase di apprendistato per il salto nella nuova classe ma con il suo enorme talento fa vedere che anche lui c'è ma deve lavorare ancora parecchio per aumentare la confidenza con la moto e spingere di più.
Alla fine della prima giornata troviamo Aleix quarto con 4 decimi di ritardo da Iannone primo e Vinales undicesimo con 8 decimi di ritardo,i piloti si possono ritenere comunque soddisfatti del lavoro fatto offi e del risultato ottenuto,grazie anche al buon potenziale della moto che piano piano viene fuori.

Test Losail Qatar Day 1 – I tempi finali
Pos	Rider			Moto            Tempo           Gap
1	Andrea	IANNONE	        Ducati	        1:55.265	
2	Andrea	DOVIZIOSO	Ducati          1:55.363	0.098
3	Marc	MARQUEZ	        Honda 	        1:55.554	0.289
4	Aleix	ESPARGARO	Suzuki	        1:55.698	0.433
5	Dani	PEDROSA	        Honda 	        1:55.813	0.548
6	Jorge	LORENZO	        Yamaha	        1:55.828	0.563
7	Cal	CRUTCHLOW	Honda 	        1:55.837	0.572
8	Valentino ROSSI	        Yamaha	        1:55.938	0.673
9	Bradley	SMITH           Yamaha	        1:55.954	0.689
10	Scott	REDDING	        Honda 	        1:56.112	0.847
11	Maverick VIÑALES	Suzuki	        1:56.130	0.865
12	Danilo	PETRUCCI	Ducati	        1:56.132	0.867
13	Yonny	HERNANDEZ	Ducati	        1:56.301	1.036
14	Pol	ESPARGARO	Yamaha	        1:56.615	1.350
15	Karel	ABRAHAM	        Honda Open	1:56.638	1.373
16	Mike	DI MEGLIO	Ducati Open	1:56.719	1.454
17	Nicky	HAYDEN	        Honda Open	1:57.099	1.834
18	Stefan	BRADL	        Yamaha Open	1:57.146	1.881
19	Jack	MILLER	        Honda Open	1:57.228	1.963
20	Loris	BAZ	        Yamaha Open	1:57.376	2.111
21	Hector	BARBERA	        Ducati Open	1:57.405	2.140
22	Eugene	LAVERTY	        Honda Open	1:57.500	2.235
23	Michele	PIRRO	        Ducati	        1:57.664	2.399
24	Alex	DE ANGELIS	Aprilia	        1:58.026	2.761
25	Alvaro	BAUTISTA	Aprilia	        1:58.459	3.194
26	Marco	MELANDRI	Aprilia	        1:58.990	3.725


mercoledì 25 febbraio 2015



SUZUKI MotoGP concluded the third and final day of official testing at Sepang International Circuit in Malaysia today satisfied with progress and developments made to the GSX-RR.

Team riders Aleix Espargaro and Maverick Viñales tested a variety of parts and set-up options that provided the team with important data to take forward to the next test at Losail in Qatar next month.

Today’s session, held in air temperatures of 32° and 60° track, saw Espargaro complete 50 laps with a best time of 2:00.275, giving him ninth position on the day. Viñales completed 43 laps with a fastest-lap of 2:00.604 for 14th on the timesheets.

Satoru Terada - Team Director/ Project Leader:

“We arrived at this test in Sepang only a short time after Sepang 1, so we haven’t had the chance to make very big improvements, but our engineers worked very hard and we managed to introduce several new specifications. Even if small, we did make positive steps forward, both in the engine and especially in electronics. We’ve also worked on the chassis and found good compromises on the set-up, so I’m very happy with how these days went.

“The riders had two small crashes but without major injuries and no particular damage to the bikes, so we had time to collect information. We will now go to Qatar with more improvements to be tested step-by-step.”

Aleix Espargaro:
“We are satisfied with today’s results, we ran a lot in hot conditions because yesterday we had some issues with those conditions with more than 50 laps. Today we ran a lot with 60° closing laps in 2.01. I’m very, very happy with the improvements on the pace. I’m missing the fast lap because with the two soft tyres I made a couple of mistakes.

“The bike is very improved, we worked a lot on electronic set-up and to find a better configuration of the traction control, which gave good results and let us cut one second off our time. We also worked on traction out of corners and it was important to verify the bike’s behaviour in hot conditions because they are similar to race conditions. We still have a lot of work to do but I’m confident and aware that I’m in a Factory team with a lot of people working hard to do the best job.”

Maverick Viñales:

“I leave Sepang with a very good feeling and satisfaction and we did a very good job without any major issues. I managed to improve my times a lot, both in the fast laps and the overall pace. I’m learning more and more about the bike, we made some changes in terms of set-up and electronics and I’m learning how to exploit them.

“Today I tried to get a good single lap time, but didn’t want to push too hard like I did yesterday when I crashed, so we focused more on consistency and we worked on the pace; we also got very important feedback from the bike which we can work on. I’m still a rookie, so I still need to understand so many things about the bike, but I’m performing well and my performance is improving day by day.”

Sepang Day 3 Test Times: 1 Marc Marquez (Honda) 1:59.115, 2 Jorge Lorenzo (Yamaha) 1:59.437, 3 Cal Crutchlow (Honda) 1:59.658, 4 Andrea Iannone (Ducati) 1:59.722, 5 Valentino Rossi (Yamaha) 1:59.833, 6 Bradley Smith (Yamaha) 1:59.883. 9 Aleix Espargaro (SUZUKI MotoGP) 2:00.275. 14 Maverick Viñales (SUZUKI MotoGP) 2:00.604.
Source Suzuki Racing

martedì 24 febbraio 2015


SUZUKI MotoGP continued its development of the GSX-RR at Sepang International Circuit in Malaysia today and moved ever-closer to the leading times.

Aleix Espargaro completed 57 laps with a best time of 2:00.409 for ninth on combined times and 0.565 seconds from leader Marc Marquez (Honda). Team mate Maverick Viñales recorded 61 laps with a best time of 2:00.731 which gave him 12th position overall, 0.887 seconds from the top.

Although Viñales suffered a small crash, no damage was suffered by rider or machine. Both riders continue to gain more confidence and set-ups of their machines and will continue tomorrow with some longer race simulations runs.

Davide Brivio – Team Manager:

“Today we have had another positive day because we could bring on our testing plan and we continued positively our learning process. The riders rode many laps today and this gave us the chance of discovering some issues on which we must work in order to be consistent in long runs like a race. Aleix in particular started a long run allowing us to collect important data, while Maverick continued to try some different set-up configurations and he’s learning fast how to feel the bike and give feedback to engineers. It’s a good thing to see that our times are good, closer and closer to the top. Tomorrow we will try further improvements but for the moment everything is going smoothly.”

Aleix Espargaro:
“I’m happy about the day, especially about the first part of the day. I found a good feeling from the very beginning and we immediately made good lap times. It is important to see that after five days here (including Sepang 1) we are getting closer and closer to the top.

“In the second part of the day we struggled a little with hotter conditions and we encountered some issue with the grip on the back so we need to work more on this. With my riding style I open the throttle early and when the tarmac gets hot we lose grip, so we need to fix it. The first part of the championship will not be in extremely hot weather conditions so we have time to find out a solution.

“We tried a race simulation, we had planned 17 laps in a row, but I had to give up a little earlier because my knee still hurts and I’m not at my 100%. However, the long run gave us important data. We still have two days to test, so we have time to work on the issues we are finding out.”

Maverick Viñales:

“It was another positive day. I did many laps and I’m becoming more-and-more familiar with the bike and the setting opportunities. I had a little crash but it wasn’t bad, I’m ok and so is the bike, I simply slid off.

“My main objective is still to find out the most effective riding style, even if we are introducing new technical modifications in every run to let me understand how the machine reacts to them. I also tried a small race simulation, just to start approaching the long runs, but tomorrow we will do more testing on this side.”

Sepang Day 1-2 Combined Times: 1 Marc Marquez (Honda) 1:59.844, 2 Jorge Lorenzo (Yamaha) 1:59.902, 3 Andrea Iannone (Ducati) 2:00.098, 4 Andrea Dovizioso (Ducati) 2:00. 250, 5 Dani Pedrosa (Honda) 2:00.275, 6 Valentino Rossi (Yamaha) 2:00.275. 9 Aleix Espargaro (SUZUKI MotoGP) 2:00.409. 12 Maverick Viñales (SUZUKI MotoGP) 2:00.731.
Source Suzuki Racing

giovedì 12 febbraio 2015


SUZUKI MotoGP has concluded its three-day season-opening MotoGP test at Sepang in Malaysia today with positive results and valuable new data acquired in readiness for its full MotoGP comeback in 2015. 
Team riders Aleix Espargaro and Maverick Vinales continued to improve their lap-times around the 5.543km Sepang International Circuit in Malaysia, enthusiastic about progress made this week; and the improvements and refinements made to their GSX-RRs. 
Espargaro completed a total of 137 laps to finish 10th in the overall rankings after setting a best-lap of 2:00.486 today; an improvement of 1.73-seconds since testing began on Wednesday. 
MotoGP class rookie Vinales, who recorded a total of 176 laps, moved up to 12th overall today after lapping at 2:00.964; a significant improvement of 2.2-seconds from his initial first-session time. 

Satoru Terada - Team Director/ Project Leader: 
“The most important thing is that we had no major troubles and no crashes, plus we completed a full three-days of testing. Both of our riders have made great improvements, which has given us the confidence in the work we have done over the winter; and we are even-more motivated now. 
“We are quite happy with their lap-times as they have improved a great amount during the three-days, and we are clearer now on the areas we have to work on. The factory needs to find the optimal-solution now for our upcoming tests so that we can get ready for the first race in Qatar.” 

Davide Brivio - Team Manager: 
“I’m very happy with this test because we were able to achieve some good improvements and also get some good answers and feedback. First of all, our reliability has greatly improved, we have run for three-days now, plus two-days previously with our test riders; which means five-days without any problems. This shows that the engineers at the factory in Japan have worked well during the winter, and they have made a great effort. 
“We were also able to work a lot with both our riders and put-in many laps and this helped them both to understand the bike more and we could therefore improve the settings of their machines. We also made good improvements on the electronics-side as well, and overall, the package seems to be at a good level already, because we learned that we have a very good chassis and a very good bike which Aleix and Maverick are happy to ride. 
“The other thing that we have to mention is that our riders are obviously a very-strong factor of this whole package and development: They work very hard and they get along with the team crews very well, which I believe is very important; so there are many positive elements here. But we also know our weak-points, but I think our engineers have acquired sufficient information here to find a solution to them all. We still have a lot of work to do and there’s a long way ahead to achieve them yet, but I would say that we are having a promising start. It’s been a hard winter for everybody and I want to thank all the guys in Japan; everyone needs to continue going forward and we have to continue to give our best.” 

Aleix Espargaro: 
“Overall I’m very happy with the first test and we have to be proud of improving a lot of the reliability of the engine. We had no problems in three days which is great and the atmosphere of the team is really fantastic. I already feel better than last year as I am very comfortable with the team. It’s very important for me that I feel the people working together are my family; so I’m very happy about this! 
“I‘m also happy that the bike is improving and developing really quickly: From the first test I think that our bike is not so-far-off the factory Yamaha and Ducati, so we have to be proud of that - although we still have to continue really hard. We finished the test 1.6-seconds away from the factory Honda, so we need to be closer at the next test. 
“I know that the Suzuki engineers and technicians will work really hard at the factory and I will also train harder in my house to be fully-fit. It won’t be easy during the first part of the season, as everything is still new, but I’m really optimistic.” 

Maverick Vinales: 
“I’m very happy as we worked so hard from the opening day of the test and we made some big steps forward. We improved more than two seconds from the first day, so we are very happy. We worked so much with the chassis all the time during the past three days and I believe that we can go two-to-three steps better now. 
“I would like to concentrate a little bit more on the engine-side for me at the next test, but the chassis is perfect; I can go 100% on the bike and I can push so much more with the front tyre, so that this is what I really like a lot with the bike. I can go so fast into the corners and this is the big advantage. If we are able to have slightly more engine power, and keep this advantage of the chassis, I believe that we can make even bigger improvements. 
“Although I’m struggling a little bit on how to manage the tyres - as it’s so very different to Moto2 - finding the best lines is a slightly difficult-point for me right now. My team helped me a lot finding the best lines and I managed this and improved a lot during the test. I’m so happy that all the crews and engineers worked so hard for me during these three days of testing and I’m really looking forward to our next test.”
Source Suzuki Racing.

domenica 1 febbraio 2015



SUZUKI MotoGP begins 2015 pre-season tests at Sepang in Malaysia next week in preparation for its return to the premier class of motorcycle racing at Losail, Qatar on March 29th.
Despite a forced winter testing ban, new team riders Aleix Espargaro and Maverick Vinales, plus Suzuki’s factory technicians, have been hard at work training and continuing development of the 2015 GSX-RR MotoGP machine that the young Spaniards will race in the 18-round series.
The official four-day test at the 5,543m Sepang International Circuit, 60km south of the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur, will see all the 2015 MotoGP factory teams together on track for the first time between February 4-7th; and the first opportunity for Espargaro and Vinales to evaluate the new developments made to the GSX-RR at Suzuki’s development centre in Ryuyo in Japan since the previous tests in November.

SUZUKI MotoGP Team Manager Davide Brivio said: “We are going to start the first test of the season, it is just another test for us, but the feeling this time is completely different as this is the real preparation for the coming season that starts very soon.
“Going to Sepang we are in the same situation as everybody else as we start to prepare for our first season and of course we are all very excited. We have just finished assembling the new bikes in Japan and we know that our riders can't wait to get back on the bikes as we start this new project and understand where we are at regarding development.”

Espargaro said: “I'm really excited to get back to the track again on my Suzuki. The first tests in Valencia and Jerez last November were good and satisfying so we have basically kept working in the same direction and targeting the first race of the season. We will have lots of hours testing in Malaysia which means that there’s plenty of time to try the new bike and I'm sure that we can be competitive against the other teams and riders.”

Vinales said: “I'm 100% ready to get back in action again and I can't wait to get on the bike in Sepang. I've spent most of my time over the winter riding motocross, cycling and ice racing and I have done whatever I could do to be fit and ready for the first test. I'm confident in my physical condition and I believe that the Suzuki engineers and our team has kept working hard during the winter months; I’m very excited to see the progress made on the bike. I already have a very positive feeling from the tests in November and my expectations for my first MotoGP season with Suzuki are extremely high.”
Source Suzuki Racing


martedì 2 dicembre 2014


Satoru Terada project leader of the Suzuki was interviewed immediately after the test Vaencia, confirming that the potential of the bike is very good, the specific power of the engine has been significantly lowered for rispolvere reliability problems that are coming to light with the bike in 2015 you can then increase again and get back to the level that was given by the test bench.
"The most important thing is that a certain level of engine power we have already achieved and this will allow us to compete with the other bike."
More questions have been asked about the development and the decision not to have sponsors on MotoGP.
"We are developing the seamless exchange but will not be ready immediately for the start of the season but probably we will see it on the bikes in the mid-season"
"the decision not to have sponsors on the hulls of the MotoGP bike is not a big problem for Suzuki, was a decision made for the fact that the versions are sold by street with the same livery MotoGP and this will allow us to promote the brand and the name and do the commercial interests of Suzuki "

domenica 16 novembre 2014

Aleix and Maverick speak of Gsx-RR

Aleix Espargaro, that after closing the Day-1 at 14 ° 1 '3 by the best lap of Jorge Lorenzo (Yamaha MotoGP Movistar) has particularly impressed in the Day-3, remaining constantly in the top positions a few tenths off the best lap before closing 10 ° to a second round from 1: 30 973 final of Marc Marquez (Repsol Honda).
After the test, the 25 year-old Spaniard said he was quite surprised 'positive' by the outcome of the test Valenciano, especially with regard to the progress made over the three days (although the Day-2 is virtually lost due of rain). These observations on the impact on the new bike:

"I am very happy with our first test. Unfortunately, because of the rain, we have completely 'lost' on the second day, but we learned so much about the bike. The first day we used it just to 'know' the bike and find the location right in the saddle, but today we tried to take it to the limit and I must say that I found the frame really good: the bike bend very easily and is very easy to handle. we have also made great strides with the electronics and the improvements in terms of traction control and engine braking. i'm quite optimistic about our package: our times are not too far from those of the best, so right now i can not wait for the next test to go ahead with the development. "

Maverick Vinales, in Moto3 World Championship in 2013 and 'Rookie-Of-The-Year' this year in Moto2. In a meteoric career progression, the 19 year old Spaniard finds himself now already with the degrees of official rider in the premier class of the World Championship, and his new adventure with the cars 1000cc began precisely with these three days. 1: 33 216 his best time, clocked in the Day-3, more than 2 "from the second best time of Marquez. Vinales commented on his 'first approach' with the Suzuki GSX-RR:

"Overall, I am very satisfied with this test: I could not do many laps and this was very important for me to get to know the feeling you get on a MotoGP bike. I found a better grip with the hard tire, so that in third day I was able to do the same lap times that I did on the first day, when I shot with the soft tire. when I put the 'soft' I could not anyway to lower the times, and so I preferred to concentrate on finding the best trajectories on the track. I learned a lot about the bike and I had a great drive! Now anxiously await the next test in Jerez, where we will have much more material to try. "
Source Motoblog.

lunedì 10 novembre 2014


It ended the first day of collective testing of MotoGP in 2015 with a view.
In Valencia took to the track this morning 27 riders so many new faces and others who have jumped on their bikes to another, among them Aleix Espargaro and Maverick Vinales.
The day of the two new riders of Team Suzuki was positive, Aleix finally climbed on a factory bike doing 35 laps, your information will be very important for the team, coming from a Yamaha serve much the differences between his ex-motorbike and this and suggestions for improvement will certainly be useful.
Something different for Maverick that closes the day with 63 laps to him was the jump in class and now has started his training to get used to the different powers of the bike, tires and brakes.
On this day you have not tried the lap time but first and foremost an outlet for the entire operation of the new bike and parts to begin testing.
From the ranking we find that Aleix today went faster than De Puniet on the weekend of the race, this is very promising for the level rider / bike and already tomorrow, but even more in the next test we will try really the lap time and file detachment from the bike more competitive the lot.

Si è conclusa la prima giornata di test collettivi della MotoGP in ottica 2015.
A Valencia sono scesi in pista da questa mattina 27 piloti tante facce nuove e altri che invece sono saltati dalla loro moto ad un altra, tra di loro Aleix Espargarò e Maverick Vinales.
La giornata dei due nuovi piloti del Team Suzuki è stata positiva,Aleix finalmente è salito su una moto factory facendo 35 giri, le sue informazioni saranno moltoimportanti per il Team, venendo da una Yamaha serviranno molto le differenze trala sua ex moto e questa e i consigli per migliorarla saranno sicuramente utili.
Discorso diverso per Maverick che chiude la giornata con 63 giri all'attivo, per lui c'è stato il salto di categoria e da oggi è cominciato il suo apprendistato per abituarsi alle diverse potenze dalla moto,pneumatici e freni.
In questa giornata non si è cercato il tempo sul giro ma prima di tutto una presadi tutto il funzionamento della nuova moto e parti da cominciare a testare.
Dalla classifica notiamo che Aleix oggi è andato più veloce di De Puniet nel finesettimana di gara, questo fa molto ben sperare per il livello moto/pilota e gia da domani ma ancora di più nei prossimi test si cercherà veramente il tempo sul giro e limare il distacco dalle moto più competitive del lotto.

1 LORENZO  Jorge  Movistar Yamaha MotoGP 1:30.975  
2 ESPARGARO Pol         Monster Yamaha Tech 3 1:31.118 0.143 
3 SMITH  Bradley Monster Yamaha Tech 3 1:31.204 0.229 
4 ROSSI  Valentino Movistar Yamaha MotoGP 1:31.250 0.275 
5 IANNONE  Andrea  Ducati Team  1:31.465 0.490 
6 PEDROSA  Dani  Repsol Honda Team 1:31.602 0.627 
7 DOVIZIOSO Andrea Ducati Team  1:31.644 0.669 
8 CRUTCHLOW Cal  CWM LCR Honda  1:31.847 0.872 
9 PIRRO  Michele Ducati Test Team 1:32.054 1.079 
10 HERNANDEZ Yonny  Energy T.I.Pramac Racing1:32.146 1.171 
11 BARBERA  Hector  Avintia Racing         1:32.190        1.215 
12 BRADL  Stefan  NGM Forward Racing 1:32.209 1.234 
13 PETRUCCI Danilo  Pramac Racing  1:32.314 1.339 
14 ESPARGARO Aleix  Team Suzuki MotoGP 1:32.315 1.340 
15 REDDING  Scott  Marc VDS Racing Team 1:32.998 2.023 
16 DE ANGELIS Alex  Octo IodaRacing Team 1:33.132 2.157 
17 VIÑALES  Maverick Team Suzuki MotoGP 1:33.268 2.293 
18 ABRAHAM  Karel C ardion AB Motoracing 1:33.446 2.471 
19 DI MEGLIO Mike  Avintia Racing  1:33.594 2.619 
20 BAZ Loris  NGM Forward Racing 1:33.834 2.859 
21 LAVERTY  Eugene  Drive M7 Aspar  1:34.320 3.345 
22 MILLER  Jack  CWM LCR Honda  1:34.633 3.658 
23 BAUTISTA Alvaro  Factory Aprilia Gresini 1:34.919 3.944 
24 HOFMANN  Alex   Aprilia Test Team 1:35.646 4.671 
25 MELANDRI Marco  Factory Aprilia Gresini 1:35.959 4.984 
26 MARQUEZ  Marc  Repsol Honda Team 1:36.181 5.206 
27 MARQUEZ  Alex  Repsol Honda Team 1:36.658 5.683 

giovedì 19 giugno 2014

Takuya Tsuda completa i test a Barcellona

Takuya Tsuda con Randy De Puniet sono stati i due collaudatori per la tre giorni di test su circuito di Barcellona,non è una novità vedere Takuya sulla Suzuki,visto che prende parte con la casa giapponese al campionato nazionale,vederlo sualla MotoGP è una bella opportunità per mettersi in vetrina e per aver dimostrato di essere un buon pilota.


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