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Visualizzazione post con etichetta #espargarò. Mostra tutti i post

sabato 7 maggio 2016


Also on Suzuki have grown wings, after Ducati much criticized at the beginning and then copied by Yamaha and then gradually all other Suzuki also relies on these aerodynamic devices to give more stability to the bike and giving a definite direction to improve flows both the speed and the behavior of the bike curve.
Le Mans as well as being a very technical track is found to be an important test case after the latest updates and changes that are made, in the first Michelin tire that does not guarantee a right reliability fled to safe havens with a new tire and all now they have to get used to this new housing and make turn the bike well.
Besides the Suzuki arrived new updates e and these would seem to give the expected results and placing #Espargarò #Vinales in the first day of practice at the top of the standings with some good lap times.
Time seems to be on our side and not expected rainfall, today we will see in fp4 and qualification if you fail to make a further step forward for optimum setting for the race tomorrow.

Anche sulla Suzuki sono spuntate le ali,dopo Ducati tanto criticata all'inizio e poi copiata da Yamaha e poi via via tutti gli altri anche Suzuki si affida a queste appendici areodinamiche per dare più stabilità alla moto e dando una direzione ben precisa ai flussi migliorare sia la velocità che il comportamento in curva della moto.
Le Mans oltre ad essere una pista molto tecnica si ritrova ad essere un banco di prova importante dopo gli ultimi aggiornamenti e modifiche che ci sono state,in primis delle gomme Michelin che non garantendo una giusta affidabilità sono corsi ai ripari con una nuova gomma e tutti ora devono abituarsi a questa nuova carcassa e fare girare bene la moto.
Oltretutto sulla Suzuki sono arrivati nuovi aggiornamenti di elettronica e questi sembrerebbero dare i risultati sperati piazzando Aleix e Maverick nella prima giornata di prove libere nella parte alta della classifica con dei buoni tempi sul giro.
Il tempo sembra essere dalla nostra parte e non prevede pioggia ,oggi vedremo nella fp4 e nella qualifica se si riuscirà a fare un ulteriore passo in avanti per un setting ottimale in vista della gara di domani.


martedì 2 febbraio 2016


Second day of testing at the Malaysian circuit of Sepang for the two riders of Team Suzuki Espargaro and Vinales.
The second day was characterized once again as it is normal for both the job of taking the data of the new members, in particular the electronics industry is where we try to work harder and find new ways and solutions, today a good electronics can make the difference between a competitive bike and a no.
In the morning both Aleix that Maverick were called to a test work on the various components including the new and more powerful engine with an output full and fluid appreciated by both drivers and the new chassis that should maintain good chassis of the bike as the past season despite having more power to earth ground.
However the day was positive, Vinales still feels the latter run on this track where the grip is not the best and try to work to find a solution to this problem to help him on other tracks like this, also it came out only Vinales even with the soft rubber for a number of rounds before the accident of Loris Baz surrendered the rubber no longer usable by any pilot to the danger structure that Michelin must solve,
Even for Aleix workday positive but with some more problems of youth of the new songs to be tested and then with the incident Baz his times were made only with hard rubber.

The second day is to record these times:
1 "Danilo Petrucci Ducati with 2.00.095
11 "Maverick Vinales on Suzuki with 2.01.421
16 'Aleix Espargaró on Suzuki with 2.02.092

We can not do a thought today against Stoner in 9 "position trailing by one second from Petrucci

Tomorrow the third and last day of testing we expect some surprises .......

Seconda giornata di test sul circuito Malese di Sepang per i due piloti del Team Suzuki Espargarò e Vinales.
La seconda giornata è stata caratterizzata ancora una volta come è normale che sia dal lavoro di presa dati dei nuovi componenti,in particolare il settore dell'elettronica è dove si cerca di lavorare di più e trovare nuove strade e soluzioni,oggi una buona elettronica può fare la differenza tra una moto competitiva e una no.
Nella mattinata sia Aleix che Maverick sono stati chiamati ad un lavoro di test sulle varie componenti compreso il nuovo motore più potente e con un'erogazione piena e fluida apprezzata dai due piloti e il nuovo telaio che dovrebbe mantenere la buona ciclistica della moto come la passata stagione pur avendo più potenza da scaricare a terra.
Comunque la giornata è stata positiva, Vinales sente ancora il posteriore scappare su questa pista dove il grip non è dei migliori e cerca di lavorare per trovare una soluzione a questo problema che lo aiuti anche su altre piste simili a questa,inoltre solo Vinales è uscito anche con la gomma morbida per una serie di tornate prima che l'incidente di Loris Baz rendesse la gomma non più utilizzabile da nessun pilota per il pericolo strutturare che Michelin deve risolvere,
Anche per Aleix giornata di lavoro positiva ma con qualche problema in più di gioventù dei nuovi pezzi da testare e poi con l'incidente di Baz i suoi tempi sono stati fatti solamente con gomma dura.

La seconda giornata fa registrare questi tempi:
1"Danilo Petrucci su Ducati con 2.00.095
11"Maverick Vinales su Suzuki con 2.01.421
16"Aleix espargarò su Suzuki con 2.02.092

Non possiamo non fare un pensiero anche oggi nei confronti di Stoner in 9" posizione staccato di 1 secondo da Petrucci 

Domani terzo e ultimo giorno di test ci aspettiamo delle sorprese..... 

domenica 31 gennaio 2016


We aftermath of winter testing, the MotoGP prepares to restart the engines and put them on the field all the news for winning the season title today in the box there was the classic photo session of the pilots and the new bike but that that is holding forth is already the market drivers.
That's right, we are not yet out on track and already talking about pilots for next season where all the best drivers will be free to look around and Suzuki Pearl that many houses want is Maverick Vinales, the Talented pilot after the past season of acclimatization to the premier class and having proven to be there and be able to tell her, many think Team to him to replace any one of their top riders at the start.
His talent is crystal clear before the eyes of all, every time I came into the track showed something extra giving idea to have great room for improvement.
The mission of Suzuki will also be to try to keep it as long as possible because they know that in addition to Aleix to aim high need a strong rider and now Suzuki there are two very strong riders, but the competition is sure to be fierce and they will do anything to try to get him.

Siamo all'indomani dei test invernali ,la #MotoGp si prepara a riaccendere i motori e mettere sul campo tutte le loro novità  per la conquista del titolo stagionale,oggi nel Box c'è stata la classica sessione fotografica dei piloti e la nuova moto ma quello che tiene banco è gia il mercato piloti.
Proprio cosi,ancora non siamo scesi in pista e gia si parla di piloti per la prossima stagione dove tutti i migliori piloti saranno liberi di guardarsi attorno ed in #Suzuki la perla che molte case vogliono è Maverick #Vinales,il Talentuoso pilota dopo aver fatto la passata stagione di ambientamento alla classe regina e avendo dimostrato di starci e poter dire la sua,molti Team pensano proprio a lui per sostituire uno dei loro eventuali piloti di punta in partenza.
Il suo talento cristallino è sotto gli occhi di tutti,ogni volta che è entrato in pista dimostrava  sempre qualcosa in più dando idea di avere grandi margini di miglioramento.
La missione di Suzuki sarà anche quella di provare a tenerselo il più a lungo possibile perchè sanno bene che oltre ad Aleix per puntare in alto serve un pilota forte ed ora in Suzuki ci sono due piloti molto forti, ma la concorrenza sarà di sicuro spietata e faranno di tutto per cercare di prenderlo.

martedì 23 giugno 2015


We've all seen the Barcelona race with ups and downs, where the Friday and Saturday we were at the top of the charts of the times with general euphoria and record for the pole on Saturday with Aleix and great location also of Maverick.
The Barcelona circuit with its guided part gave us much advantage and what we lost on the obverse was offset by the rest lel track where our bike has proved to be better than all the other lot.
Different speech for Sunday where a good start and not fall Aleix ruined day prevedenti, Maverick party slowly recovers positions during the race and finishes in sixth place, confirming the good job done and that there are errors in direction and that youth should be placed but the potential riders / bikes there.

Now comes Assen, a track is not very fast track where the guided them is so great and our bike should be at ease and it's up to Aleix Maverick and confirm the excellent performance of the last race and acknowledge the work the team is doing to better part of the race where even opponents prove to be superior to us.

Abbiamo visto tutti la gara di Barcellona tra alti e bassi, dove il venerdi e sabato eravamo in cima alle classifiche dei tempi con euforia generale e record per la pole del sabato con Aleix e grande posizione anche di Maverick.
Il circuito di Barcellona con la sua parte guidata ci dava molto vantaggio e quello che perdevamo sul dritto era compensato dal resto lel circuito dove la nostra moto si è rivelata migliore di tutte le altre del lotto.
Discorso diverso per la domenica dove una non bella partenza e caduta di Aleix rovinavano i giorni prevedenti, Maverick partito a rilento durante la gara recupera posizioni e conclude al sesto posto confermando il buon lavoro fatto e che ci sono errori di percorso e gioventù che vanno sistemati ma il potenziale piloti/moto c'è.

Adesso arriva Assen, una pista non molto veloce, pista dove la parte guidata è tanta e li la nostra moto dovrebbe trovarsi a suo agio e toccherà ad Aleix e Maverick confermare le ottime prestazioni della scorsa gara e confermare il lavoro che il Team sta facendo per migliorare la parte della gara dove ancora gli avversari si dimostrano essere superiori a noi.

1 Valentino ROSSI   Yamaha  ITA  138
2 Jorge LORENZO   Yamaha  SPA 137
3 Andrea IANNONE    Ducati ITA   94
4 Andrea DOVIZIOSO Ducati ITA   83
5 Marc MARQUEZ    Honda SPA   69
6 Bradley SMITH   Yamaha GBR  68
7 Cal CRUTCHLOW   Honda GBR  47
8 Maverick VIÑALES  Suzuki SPA   46
9 Pol ESPARGARO   Yamaha SPA   45
10 Dani PEDROSA    Honda SPA   39
11 Danilo PETRUCCI    Ducati ITA   39
12 Aleix ESPARGARO  Suzuki SPA   31

venerdì 12 giugno 2015


And 'the case to say today Aleix Espargaro as Maverick Vinales and the whole team Suzuki were the Monstrous day of practice today at the Barcelona circuit.

Aleix puts all in a row in the second session, stopping the clock on the time of 1.41.158 pulling Marquez second of Pedrosa third at 0.285 and 0.631, in fifth position we find the other Suzuki's a great Vinales trailing by 0.764.
Surely the soft rubber used in the final by Aleix helpful to polish a few tenths but if it were not for the rubber would do almost the same time Marquez !.
On motion of Aleix today also debuted a new specification engine capable of recovering a few km / h on the straight but still remains distant with its 335,9km / h from lle Honda traveling about 344km / h
Different speech but in the same direction for Vinales in fifth place with traditional engine and great time behind the leaders, the boy is doing really great strides and I think the air of the house is good for our drivers.
Tomorrow the second day and time that you will even lower if the rain does not fall in the night, it's a nice boost for the whole Team Suzuki


E’ proprio il caso di dirlo oggi Aleix Espargarò come Maverick Vinales e tutto il team Suzuki sono stati Mostruosi nella giornata di libere odierna sul circuito di Barcellona.

Aleix mette tutti in fila nella seconda sessione fermando il cronometro sul tempo di 1.41.158 staccando Marquez secondo di 0.285 e Pedrosa terzo a 0.631,in quinta posizione troviamo l’altra Suzuki di un ottimo Vinales staccato di 0,764.
Sicuramente la gomma morbida usata nel finale da Aleix è stata utile per limare qualche decimo ma se non fosse stato per la gomma avrebbe fatto quasi lo stesso tempo di Marquez!.
Sulla moto di Aleix inoltre oggi debuttava una nuova specifica di motore capace di recuperare qualche km/h sul dritto ma rimane ancora distante con i suoi 335,9km/h da lle Honda che viaggiano sui 344km/h
Discorso diverso ma nella stessa direzione per Vinales in quinta posizione con motore tradizionale e grande tempo a ridosso dei primi,il ragazzo sta facendo davvero passi da gigante e credo che anche l’aria di casa faccia bene per i nostri due piloti.
Domani seconda giornata e tempi che si faranno ancora più bassi se la pioggia non dovesse cadere nella notte,è una bella iniezione di fiducia per tutto il Team #Suzuki


martedì 9 giugno 2015


Ended the race at Mugello Team Suzuki returns to the base with many considerations, First the bike is progressing with every race with developments that go in the right direction, the other riders come more and more in harmony with the bike and their results They are gradually improving.

We start from the Moto

New updates and great work by the Team Racing on the electronics and chassis are making progress the bike with every race, the work to be done is still so much has been seen very well at Mugello in the most driven and where the bike must Slide the cleanest possible the time were of the highest level at times even better than Honda and Yamaha but then on the straight where the engine still sins of 30/40 horses top speed it suffered a lot and they all the advantage of the wizard was lost for 10/15 km / h less than the bike more competitive.

We speak now of the pilots

Maverick Vinales

His was the best result of the season in seventh place is a nice confidence boost for the young and talented pilot, we all know of his great talent and slowly that automation will improve the results are always improved it is on the Italian track is It is seen very well.

Aleix Espargaro

Different speech for Aleix, great results in practice, but with the problem at hand that still bothers drive, the problems in strength for the duration of the race causes a crash in race and undermines its efforts made over the weekend

Now we are moving at the Barcelona circuit, earth home for our two drivers and two weeks of recovery for Aleix we'll see what they know can do, sure that the long straight there is favorable but in the rest of the circuit we can say Our awaiting new step motor to bridge the difference with the other Team

GP of Italy - Final classification:

1. Jorge Lorenzo, Yamaha MotoGP Movistar - 41'39.173
2. Andrea Iannone, Ducati Team - +5563
3. Valentino Rossi, Yamaha Movistar - +6661
4. Dani PEDROSA Repsol Honda Team - +9978
5. Bradley SMITH, Monster Yamaha Tech 3 - +15284
6. Pol ESPARGARO, Monster Yamaha Tech 3 - +15665
7. Maverick VIÑALES, Team SUZUKI ECSTAR - +23805
8. Michele Pirro, Ducati Team - +29152
9. Danilo PETRUCCI, Octo Pramac Racing - +32008
10. Yonny HERNANDEZ, Octo Pramac Racing - +34571
DNF: Aleix ESPARGARO - Not Classified


Conclusa la gara del Mugello Il Team #suzuki ritorna alla base con numerose considerazioni, In primo luogo la moto sta progredendo di gara in gara con sviluppi che vanno nella giusta direzione, dall’altra i piloti entrano sempre più in simbiosi con la moto e i loro risultati stanno man mano migliorando.

Partiamo dalla Moto

Nuovi aggiornamenti e grande lavoro da parte del Team Corse sull’elettronica e ciclistica stanno facendo progredire la moto di gara in gara, il lavoro da fare è ancora tanto si è visto molto bene anche al Mugello che nella parte più guidata e dove la moto deve scorrere il più pulito possibile i tempi erano di primissimo livello  in certi momenti anche meglio di Honda e Yamaha ma poi sul dritto dove il motore pecca ancora di 30/40 cavalli la velocità di punta ne risentiva parecchio e li tutto il vantaggio  della parte guidata veniva perso per i 10/15 km/h in meno rispetto alle moto più competitive.

Parliamo ora dei piloti 

Maverick Vinales

Il suo è stato il miglior risultato della stagione il settimo posto è una bella iniezione di fiducia per il giovane e talentuoso pilota, sappiamo tutti del suo grande talento e piano piano che gli automatismi si migliorano anche i risultati vengono sempre migliorati è sulla pista Italiana si è visto molto bene.

Aleix Espargarò

Discorso diverso per Aleix, grandi risultati in prova ma con il problema alla mano che ancora  gli da fastidio nella guida e gli da problemi in resistenza per la durata della gara gli provoca una caduta in gara e vanifica il suo sforzo fatto nel fine settimana

Adesso ci si sposta sul circuito di Barcellona ,terra di casa per i nostri due piloti e con due settimane di recupero per Aleix vedremo cosa sanno in grado di fare, certo che il lungo rettilineo non ci è favorevole ma nel resto del circuito potremo dire la nostra in attesa di nuovi step di motore per colmare la differenza con gli altri Team

GP of Italy – Final classification: 

1. Jorge LORENZO, Movistar Yamaha MotoGP - 41'39.173 
2. Andrea IANNONE, Ducati Team - +5.563 
3. Valentino ROSSI, Movistar Yamaha - +6.661 
4. Dani PEDROSA, Repsol Honda Team - +9.978 
5. Bradley SMITH, Monster Yamaha Tech 3 - +15.284 
6. Pol ESPARGARO, Monster Yamaha Tech 3 - +15.665 
7. Maverick VIÑALES, Team SUZUKI ECSTAR - +23.805 
8. Michele PIRRO, Ducati Team - +29.152 
9. Danilo PETRUCCI, Octo Pramac Racing - +32.008 
10. Yonny HERNANDEZ, Octo Pramac Racing - +34.571 
DNF: Aleix ESPARGARO – Not Classified 


martedì 12 maggio 2015


We got to the fifth stage of the World Cup 2015, this weekend we run on the French circuit of Le Mans.
Team Suzuki Ecstar is traveling to the circuit where you will find a track transmission that could be favorable, after a very good start to the season and with the wonder of seeing often rivals Team Suzuki Blue in front of them now work becomes even more hard.
The biggest problem of this bike is the power, lack 20/30 horses against Honda Yamaha and Ducati, and this is felt very slopes where there are long straights them and we suffer a lot, on the other hand we have a very good frame and chassis, and this allows us to have great handling and mid-corner and mixed parts of the tracks are our strength and they are at par and at times even higher than rival models.
In recent tests there have been some steps forward with regard to the electronics with the updates targeted to have a better distribution of the power and consequently less spoil the tires and exit faster from the curves.
Espargarò Vinales and are satisfied with their journey here where they put all their effort to get even stronger and to release the potential of this bike.
We also see that with the passage of Vinales races although not just behind but avvicinna to Espargarò this shows the great talent and that is taking more and more confidence with the bike and the new class, this is all in favor of the team that with two riders excellent level will shorten the time of development and testing of the new changes.


Siamo arrivati alla quinta tappa del Mondiale 2015 ,questo fine settimana si corre sul circuito Francese di Le Mans.
Il Team Suzuki Ecstar sta viaggiando verso il circuito dove si troverà su una pista che potrebbe esserle favorevole,dopo un inizio di stagione molto buono e con lo stupore dei Team rivali vedendosi spesso la Suzuki Blu davanti alle loro,adesso il lavoro si fa ancora più duro.
Il problema più grande di questa moto è la potenza,mancano 20/30 cavalli nei confronti di Honda Yamaha e Ducati,e questo si fa sentire molto sulle piste dove ci sono dei lunghi rettifili e li noi soffriamo parecchio,per contro abbiamo un'ottimo telaio e ciclistica e questo ci permette di avere grande maneggevolezza e la percorrenza di curva e parti miste dei tracciati sono il nostro punto forte e li siamo alla pari e in certi momenti anche superiori alle moto rivali.
Negli ultimi test ci sono stati dei passi avanti per quanto riguarda l'elettronica con degli aggiornamenti mirati ad avere una migliore erogazione della potenza e di conseguenza rovinare meno le gomme ed uscire più velocemente dalle curve.
Espargarò e Vinales sono soddisfatti del loro cammino fino ad oggi dove mettono ogni loro sforzo per andare ancora più forte e per far uscire il potenziale da questa moto.
Vediamo anche che Vinales con il passare delle gare anche se non subito dietro ma si avvicinna ad Espargarò questo dimostra il grande talento e che sta prendendo sempre più confidenza con la moto e nuova classe,Questo va tutto a favore del Team che con due piloti di ottimo livello potranno accorciare i tempi di sviluppo e test delle nuove modifiche.

venerdì 27 marzo 2015


Start off the adventure of Team Suzuki in the MotoGP World 2015, the evening of Losail started the first free practice where Marquez was confirmed at the top of the timesheets but the third place we find Aleix Espargaro with a time of 1.55,685 adrift just 0.404 from Marquez, we are still at the first session but despite the large difference in top speed on the straight where still missing about 20Km / h the lap time is respectable and bodes well for the next few sessions.More detached Maverick Vinales in seventeenth place trailing by 1,641 from Marquez for his work is still so much, everything is new and must hone certain automatism and confidence but surely we will find different positions higher.The news about the opponents is that both Ducati Yamaha that are not in the top positions as was seen in tests of the previous days, perhaps some pilot is hiding to show the true potential when the stopwatch count really.

Comincia bene l'avventura del Team Suzuki nel Mondiale MotoGp 2015,nella sera di Losail sono iniziate le prime prove libere dove Marquez si è confermato in vetta alla classifica dei tempi ma al terzo posto troviamo Aleix Espargarò con un tempo di 1.55,685 staccato di appena 0,404 da Marquez,siamo ancora alla prima sessione ma nonostante la grande differenza di velocità massima sul rettilineo dove ancora mancano circa 20Km/h il tempo sul giro è di tutto rispetto e fa ben sperare per le prossime sessioni.
Più staccato Maverick Vinales in diciassettesima posizione staccato di 1,641 da Marquez per lui il lavoro è ancora tanto , è tutto nuovo e deve affinare certi automatismi e confidenza ma sicuramente lo troveremo diverse posizioni più in alto.
La notizia riguardante gli avversari è che sia Ducati che Yamaha non sono nelle prime posizioni come si era visto nei test dei precedenti giorni,forse qualche pilota si sta nascondendo per far vedere il vero potenziale quando il cronometro conterà veramente.

Classifica Fp1

1. Marc MARQUEZ (Repsol Honda Team) 1'55.281
2. Dani PEDROSA (Repsol Honda Team) 1'55.357 +0.076
3. Aleix ESPARGARO (Team SUZUKI ECSTAR) 1'55.685 +0.404 4. Jorge LORENZO (Movistar Yamaha MotoGP) 1'55.698 +0.417
5. Cal CRUTCHLOW (CWM LCR Honda) 1'55.818 +0.537
6. Danilo PETRUCCI (Pramac Racing) 1'55.939 +0.658
7. Andrea DOVIZIOSO (Ducati Team) 1'55.980 +0.699
8. Yonny HERNANDEZ (Pramac Racing) 1'56.139 +0.858
9. Valentino ROSSI (Movistar Yamaha MotoGP) 1'56.162 +0.881
10. Andrea IANNONE (Ducati Team) 1'56.315 +1.034
17. Maverick VIÑALES (Team SUZUKI ECSTAR) 1'56.922 +1.641


venerdì 6 marzo 2015


Suzuki unveils its MotoGP team name as Team SUZUKI ECSTAR

ECSTAR, the global  brand of Suzuki genuine oil/ chemical products. 

Suzuki Motor Corporation has unveiled its MotoGP team name as Team SUZUKI ECSTAR. Suzuki will come back to the MotoGP class of the world’s top motorcycle racing series, the FIM* Road Racing Grand Prix (MotoGP), from 2015. The 2015 season will start from the Qatar GP, which will hold its race on 29 March, 2015. 
*Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (International Motorcycling Federation). 

Team SUZUKI ECSTAR will participate with the new racing machine GSX-RR, which is installed with the newly-developed in-line four-cylinder engine. Two riders, Aleix ESPARGARO (Spain), who was ranked seventh in the MotoGP class last season, and Maverick VIÑALES (Spain), who has stepped up from the Moto2 class, will compete aboard the GSX-RR. 

Suzuki’s Director and Senior Managing Officer Eiji Mochizuki (Executive General Manager, Motorcycle Operations) said “Finally, Suzuki will make a comeback to the MotoGP, the world’s top motorcycle racing series. Through high-level competition, we will sharpen up our technologies, and aggressively feed them back to our production models and interact with Suzuki customers all over the world. Suzuki will challenge to improve satisfaction of customers all over the world to a higher level, through racing and our products. We ask our fans to support the Team SUZUKI ECSTAR.” 

ECSTAR is the brand name of Suzuki’s genuine high-performance engine oil, which has been on sale since 1984. It has been sold mainly in Japan and exported from Japan. 
In the occasion of the ECSTAR brand’s 30th anniversary and Suzuki’s participation in the MotoGP, Suzuki will seek to increase global recognition of the ECSTAR brand by establishing the ECSTAR brand as the global umbrella brand of Suzuki genuine oil/ chemical products, and making it the MotoGP team name. Starting from Europe, the ECSTAR brand will be offered to overseas distributors as a high-quality, dependable brand. 

GSX-RR spec: 

Overall length x width x height: 2,096mm x 720mm x 1,140mm. 
Wheelbase: 1,457mm . 
Engine type: Water-cooled, four-stroke in-line four-cylinder, DOHC four-valve. 
Displacement: 1,000cm3. 
Maximum output: Over 169kw (230PS). 
Maximum speed: Over 330km/h . 
Gearbox: Six-speed (cassette type). 
Frame type: Twin-spar aluminum. 
Tyres (front/ rear): 16.5in/16.5in . 
Front suspension: Öhlins, inverted fork. 
Rear suspension: Öhlins. 
Brake (front/ rear): Carbon disk/ steel disk, Brembo. 

Team structure of Team SUZUKI ECSTAR: 

Rider Profiles: 

#25 Maverick VIÑALES. 
Country: Spain. 
Age: 20 (12/01/1995). 
2014: Moto2 – 3rd. 
2013: Moto3 – 1st. 
2012: Moto3 – 3rd. 

#41 Aleix ESPARGARO 
Country: Spain. 
Age: 25 (30/07/1989) 
2014: MotoGP – 7th. 
2013: MotoGP 11th. 
2012: MotoGP 12th. 

Team Director and Managers: 

Team Director: Satoru TERADA. 
Team Manager: Davide BRIVIO. 
Technical Manager: Ken KAWAUCHI 

Suzuki svela il suo nome della squadra MotoGP come Team SUZUKI ECSTAR

ECSTAR, il marchio globale di Suzuki prodotti genuini olio / chimiche.

Suzuki Motor Corporation ha presentato il nome della squadra MotoGP come Team SUZUKI ECSTAR. Suzuki tornerà alla classe MotoGP di serie top motociclismo mondiale, il FIM  Road Racing Grand Prix (MotoGP), a partire dal 2015.
 La stagione 2015 partirà dal GP del Qatar il 29 Mar 2015 .

Squadra SUZUKI ECSTAR parteciperà con la nuova moto da corsa GSX-RR, dove viene installato con il motore di nuova concezione in linea a quattro cilindri. Due piloti, Aleix Espargaró (Spagna), che si è classificata settimo nella classe MotoGP la scorsa stagione, e Maverick Viñales (Spagna), che si è fatto le ossa nella classe Moto2, si sfideranno a bordo della GSX-RR.

Director e Senior Managing Ufficiale Eiji Mochizuki Suzuki (Executive General Manager, Operations moto) ha dichiarato: "Infine, Suzuki farà un ritorno alla MotoGP, serie top motociclismo mondiale. Attraverso la concorrenza di alto livello, ci sarà da affinare le nostre tecnologie, e progressivamente dar loro di nuovo ai nostri modelli di produzione e di interagire con i clienti Suzuki in tutto il mondo. Suzuki si sfideranno per migliorare la soddisfazione dei clienti in tutto il mondo ad un livello superiore, attraverso le corse ed i nostri prodotti. Chiediamo ai nostri tifosi di sostenere la squadra SUZUKI ECSTAR. "

ECSTAR è il marchio di una vera olio motore ad alte prestazioni della Suzuki, che è stato in vendita dal 1984. E 'stato venduto principalmente in Giappone ed esportati dal Giappone.
In occasione del 30 ° anniversario del marchio ECSTAR e la partecipazione di Suzuki in MotoGP, Suzuki cercherà di aumentare il riconoscimento globale del marchio ECSTAR stabilendo il marchio ECSTAR come il marchio ombrello globale di Suzuki prodotti genuini olio / chimiche, e che la rende la MotoGP nome della squadra. Partendo dall'Europa, il marchio ECSTAR sarà offerto ai distributori all'estero come uno di alta qualità, di marca affidabile.

GSX-RR spec:

Lunghezza totale x larghezza x altezza: 2096 millimetri x 720 millimetri x 1140 millimetri.
Passo: 1.457 millimetri.
Tipo motore:, quattro tempi in linea a quattro cilindri, DOHC a quattro valvole raffreddato ad acqua.
Dislocamento: 1,000cm3.
Potenza massima: Oltre 169kw (230PS).
Velocità massima: oltre 330 chilometri all'ora.
Cambio: a sei velocità.
Tipo Telaio: in alluminio a doppia trave.
Pneumatici (anteriore / posteriore): 16.5in / 16.5in.
Sospensione anteriore: Öhlins, forcella rovesciata.
Sospensione posteriore: Öhlins.
Freno (anteriore / posteriore): disco rigido carbonio / acciaio, Brembo.

Struttura del team del Team SUZUKI ECSTAR:

Rider Profili:

# 25 Maverick Vinales.
Paese: Spagna.
Età: 20 (12/01/1995).
2014: Moto2 - 3 °.
2013: la Moto3 - 1 °.
2012: Moto3 - 3 °.

# 41 Aleix ESPARGARO
Paese: Spagna.
Età: 25 (30/07/1989)
2014: MotoGP - 7 °.
2013: MotoGP 11 °.
2012: MotoGP 12 °.

Team Director e Direttori:

Team Director: Satoru TERADA.
Team Manager: Davide Brivio.
Direttore Tecnico: Ken Kawauchi

mercoledì 25 febbraio 2015



SUZUKI MotoGP concluded the third and final day of official testing at Sepang International Circuit in Malaysia today satisfied with progress and developments made to the GSX-RR.

Team riders Aleix Espargaro and Maverick Viñales tested a variety of parts and set-up options that provided the team with important data to take forward to the next test at Losail in Qatar next month.

Today’s session, held in air temperatures of 32° and 60° track, saw Espargaro complete 50 laps with a best time of 2:00.275, giving him ninth position on the day. Viñales completed 43 laps with a fastest-lap of 2:00.604 for 14th on the timesheets.

Satoru Terada - Team Director/ Project Leader:

“We arrived at this test in Sepang only a short time after Sepang 1, so we haven’t had the chance to make very big improvements, but our engineers worked very hard and we managed to introduce several new specifications. Even if small, we did make positive steps forward, both in the engine and especially in electronics. We’ve also worked on the chassis and found good compromises on the set-up, so I’m very happy with how these days went.

“The riders had two small crashes but without major injuries and no particular damage to the bikes, so we had time to collect information. We will now go to Qatar with more improvements to be tested step-by-step.”

Aleix Espargaro:
“We are satisfied with today’s results, we ran a lot in hot conditions because yesterday we had some issues with those conditions with more than 50 laps. Today we ran a lot with 60° closing laps in 2.01. I’m very, very happy with the improvements on the pace. I’m missing the fast lap because with the two soft tyres I made a couple of mistakes.

“The bike is very improved, we worked a lot on electronic set-up and to find a better configuration of the traction control, which gave good results and let us cut one second off our time. We also worked on traction out of corners and it was important to verify the bike’s behaviour in hot conditions because they are similar to race conditions. We still have a lot of work to do but I’m confident and aware that I’m in a Factory team with a lot of people working hard to do the best job.”

Maverick Viñales:

“I leave Sepang with a very good feeling and satisfaction and we did a very good job without any major issues. I managed to improve my times a lot, both in the fast laps and the overall pace. I’m learning more and more about the bike, we made some changes in terms of set-up and electronics and I’m learning how to exploit them.

“Today I tried to get a good single lap time, but didn’t want to push too hard like I did yesterday when I crashed, so we focused more on consistency and we worked on the pace; we also got very important feedback from the bike which we can work on. I’m still a rookie, so I still need to understand so many things about the bike, but I’m performing well and my performance is improving day by day.”

Sepang Day 3 Test Times: 1 Marc Marquez (Honda) 1:59.115, 2 Jorge Lorenzo (Yamaha) 1:59.437, 3 Cal Crutchlow (Honda) 1:59.658, 4 Andrea Iannone (Ducati) 1:59.722, 5 Valentino Rossi (Yamaha) 1:59.833, 6 Bradley Smith (Yamaha) 1:59.883. 9 Aleix Espargaro (SUZUKI MotoGP) 2:00.275. 14 Maverick Viñales (SUZUKI MotoGP) 2:00.604.
Source Suzuki Racing

martedì 24 febbraio 2015


SUZUKI MotoGP continued its development of the GSX-RR at Sepang International Circuit in Malaysia today and moved ever-closer to the leading times.

Aleix Espargaro completed 57 laps with a best time of 2:00.409 for ninth on combined times and 0.565 seconds from leader Marc Marquez (Honda). Team mate Maverick Viñales recorded 61 laps with a best time of 2:00.731 which gave him 12th position overall, 0.887 seconds from the top.

Although Viñales suffered a small crash, no damage was suffered by rider or machine. Both riders continue to gain more confidence and set-ups of their machines and will continue tomorrow with some longer race simulations runs.

Davide Brivio – Team Manager:

“Today we have had another positive day because we could bring on our testing plan and we continued positively our learning process. The riders rode many laps today and this gave us the chance of discovering some issues on which we must work in order to be consistent in long runs like a race. Aleix in particular started a long run allowing us to collect important data, while Maverick continued to try some different set-up configurations and he’s learning fast how to feel the bike and give feedback to engineers. It’s a good thing to see that our times are good, closer and closer to the top. Tomorrow we will try further improvements but for the moment everything is going smoothly.”

Aleix Espargaro:
“I’m happy about the day, especially about the first part of the day. I found a good feeling from the very beginning and we immediately made good lap times. It is important to see that after five days here (including Sepang 1) we are getting closer and closer to the top.

“In the second part of the day we struggled a little with hotter conditions and we encountered some issue with the grip on the back so we need to work more on this. With my riding style I open the throttle early and when the tarmac gets hot we lose grip, so we need to fix it. The first part of the championship will not be in extremely hot weather conditions so we have time to find out a solution.

“We tried a race simulation, we had planned 17 laps in a row, but I had to give up a little earlier because my knee still hurts and I’m not at my 100%. However, the long run gave us important data. We still have two days to test, so we have time to work on the issues we are finding out.”

Maverick Viñales:

“It was another positive day. I did many laps and I’m becoming more-and-more familiar with the bike and the setting opportunities. I had a little crash but it wasn’t bad, I’m ok and so is the bike, I simply slid off.

“My main objective is still to find out the most effective riding style, even if we are introducing new technical modifications in every run to let me understand how the machine reacts to them. I also tried a small race simulation, just to start approaching the long runs, but tomorrow we will do more testing on this side.”

Sepang Day 1-2 Combined Times: 1 Marc Marquez (Honda) 1:59.844, 2 Jorge Lorenzo (Yamaha) 1:59.902, 3 Andrea Iannone (Ducati) 2:00.098, 4 Andrea Dovizioso (Ducati) 2:00. 250, 5 Dani Pedrosa (Honda) 2:00.275, 6 Valentino Rossi (Yamaha) 2:00.275. 9 Aleix Espargaro (SUZUKI MotoGP) 2:00.409. 12 Maverick Viñales (SUZUKI MotoGP) 2:00.731.
Source Suzuki Racing

lunedì 23 febbraio 2015


The SUZUKI MotoGP team continued to improve with the newly-refined GSX-RR in the opening day of testing at Sepang International Circuit in Malaysia today with riders Aleix Espargaro and Maverick Viñales setting fourth and ninth-placed positions on the timesheets.

Espargaro completed a total of 39 laps in mixed weather and track conditions, setting a time of 2:01.055 on his 17th attempt with hot weather conditions, while Viñales posted a 2:01.317 on his 22nd of 50 laps of the 5.543 km circuit.

With air temperatures of 32° and track temperatures reaching 53°, today’s conditions were more slippery compared to the opening test at the beginning of the month and got worse by the end of the afternoon with some scattered rain showers.

However, the team and riders worked through several new modifications on the GSX-RR that included a redesigned fairing, developed at Suzuki’s wind tunnel in Japan, and improved overall power output without affecting affordability.

Davide Brivio – Team Manager:

“It has been a good day for us because we made further improvements. The riders feel confident on the bike and we were able to upgrade and improve the engine power. At the previous tests we decided to cut the power in order to gain reliability, now we are reintroducing some more power but with a step-by-step approach.

“Last week in the wind tunnel in Japan we developed a new fairing that has been tested today. It didn’t give the results we were expecting so we will further-refine its shape.

“It is only the first day of testing but being so close to the top always gives a good feeling. It has also been interesting to test in wet conditions and both riders reported positive feelings. Aleix already has experience in riding a MotoGP machine in the rain so he could give us good feedback, while Maverick had the chance to have a first touch with the bike response. They both felt confident with their machines also in these conditions.”
Source Suzuki Racing

Aleix Espargaro:
“It has been a positive day of testing because we made some improvements.
The track was more slippery and dirty today so I had to get back the confidence, but I have very good feelings. We are working on the performance improvement but working little-by-little, so I was a little surprised by the speed and power that the bike had today.

“I also had the chance to test the bike in wet conditions and I feel very comfortable: it is small and easy to handle so I feel confident. Tomorrow morning we will try some set-up modifications and in the afternoon we will work on the pace; since it is maybe more important than the single lap.”

Maverick Viñales:
“I continue having good feelings about the bike and my objective is to ride as much as possible as I have to learn how it behaves and also the lines to be kept on track.  I’m in the middle of my learning process so we haven’t been making major modifications on the machine; it’s more a matter to adapt my riding style. I also had the chance to try how it behaves in wet conditions and I had good feelings.”

Sepang 2 Test Results (Day 1): 1 Valentino Rossi (Yamaha) 2:00.414, 2 Dani Pedrosa (Honda) 2:00.543, 3 Pol Espargaro (Yamaha) 2:00.876, 4 Aleix Espargaro (SUZUKI MotoGP) 2:01.055, 5 Jorge Lorenzo (Yamaha) 2:01.162, 6 Marc Marquez (Honda) 2:01.190, 7 Carl Crutchlow (Honda) 2:01.222, 8 Bradley Smith (Yamaha), 9 Maverick Viñales (SUZUKI MotoGP) 2:01.317, 10 Andrea Dovizioso (Ducati) 2:01.355.

giovedì 12 febbraio 2015


SUZUKI MotoGP has concluded its three-day season-opening MotoGP test at Sepang in Malaysia today with positive results and valuable new data acquired in readiness for its full MotoGP comeback in 2015. 
Team riders Aleix Espargaro and Maverick Vinales continued to improve their lap-times around the 5.543km Sepang International Circuit in Malaysia, enthusiastic about progress made this week; and the improvements and refinements made to their GSX-RRs. 
Espargaro completed a total of 137 laps to finish 10th in the overall rankings after setting a best-lap of 2:00.486 today; an improvement of 1.73-seconds since testing began on Wednesday. 
MotoGP class rookie Vinales, who recorded a total of 176 laps, moved up to 12th overall today after lapping at 2:00.964; a significant improvement of 2.2-seconds from his initial first-session time. 

Satoru Terada - Team Director/ Project Leader: 
“The most important thing is that we had no major troubles and no crashes, plus we completed a full three-days of testing. Both of our riders have made great improvements, which has given us the confidence in the work we have done over the winter; and we are even-more motivated now. 
“We are quite happy with their lap-times as they have improved a great amount during the three-days, and we are clearer now on the areas we have to work on. The factory needs to find the optimal-solution now for our upcoming tests so that we can get ready for the first race in Qatar.” 

Davide Brivio - Team Manager: 
“I’m very happy with this test because we were able to achieve some good improvements and also get some good answers and feedback. First of all, our reliability has greatly improved, we have run for three-days now, plus two-days previously with our test riders; which means five-days without any problems. This shows that the engineers at the factory in Japan have worked well during the winter, and they have made a great effort. 
“We were also able to work a lot with both our riders and put-in many laps and this helped them both to understand the bike more and we could therefore improve the settings of their machines. We also made good improvements on the electronics-side as well, and overall, the package seems to be at a good level already, because we learned that we have a very good chassis and a very good bike which Aleix and Maverick are happy to ride. 
“The other thing that we have to mention is that our riders are obviously a very-strong factor of this whole package and development: They work very hard and they get along with the team crews very well, which I believe is very important; so there are many positive elements here. But we also know our weak-points, but I think our engineers have acquired sufficient information here to find a solution to them all. We still have a lot of work to do and there’s a long way ahead to achieve them yet, but I would say that we are having a promising start. It’s been a hard winter for everybody and I want to thank all the guys in Japan; everyone needs to continue going forward and we have to continue to give our best.” 

Aleix Espargaro: 
“Overall I’m very happy with the first test and we have to be proud of improving a lot of the reliability of the engine. We had no problems in three days which is great and the atmosphere of the team is really fantastic. I already feel better than last year as I am very comfortable with the team. It’s very important for me that I feel the people working together are my family; so I’m very happy about this! 
“I‘m also happy that the bike is improving and developing really quickly: From the first test I think that our bike is not so-far-off the factory Yamaha and Ducati, so we have to be proud of that - although we still have to continue really hard. We finished the test 1.6-seconds away from the factory Honda, so we need to be closer at the next test. 
“I know that the Suzuki engineers and technicians will work really hard at the factory and I will also train harder in my house to be fully-fit. It won’t be easy during the first part of the season, as everything is still new, but I’m really optimistic.” 

Maverick Vinales: 
“I’m very happy as we worked so hard from the opening day of the test and we made some big steps forward. We improved more than two seconds from the first day, so we are very happy. We worked so much with the chassis all the time during the past three days and I believe that we can go two-to-three steps better now. 
“I would like to concentrate a little bit more on the engine-side for me at the next test, but the chassis is perfect; I can go 100% on the bike and I can push so much more with the front tyre, so that this is what I really like a lot with the bike. I can go so fast into the corners and this is the big advantage. If we are able to have slightly more engine power, and keep this advantage of the chassis, I believe that we can make even bigger improvements. 
“Although I’m struggling a little bit on how to manage the tyres - as it’s so very different to Moto2 - finding the best lines is a slightly difficult-point for me right now. My team helped me a lot finding the best lines and I managed this and improved a lot during the test. I’m so happy that all the crews and engineers worked so hard for me during these three days of testing and I’m really looking forward to our next test.”
Source Suzuki Racing.

giovedì 5 febbraio 2015



SUZUKI MotoGP continued to make strong and positive progress in the second day of testing at Sepang International Circuit in Malaysia today as Aleix Espargaro and Maverick Vinales significantly improved their lap times.

Espargaro moved up into 10th position on the first two days of combined times with a lap of 2:01.344; which was just over 800ths-of-a-second quicker than Wednesday’s time of 2:02.225. Vinales made even greater improvements aboard his factory GSX-RR, lapping 1.24 seconds-faster and posting a time of 2:01.916 around the 5.543km circuit; placing him 15th overall in the rankings.

Today’s test was held in sunny conditions with air temperatures of 31.9C and track temperatures reaching 52.5C. Tomorrow, SUZUKI MotoGP will continue to evaluate the new settings on the GSX-RRs and plan a full-race simulation testing.

Davide Brivio – Team Manager:

“We are quite happy today because we did a lot of work and achieved much progress, plus we are quite satisfied that both our riders managed so many laps. Aleix tried different types of settings and worked more on the electronics-settings while Maverick made a big improvement on his lap-times as he tried different riding styles and improved. It’s also important that we started to understand more about the bike now from the data we have acquired from our riders. There’s still a lot to do, of course, but it is positive so far for both as they are still continuing the learning-process. We are trying to optimise the package and find the strongest points to prepare for the season ahead.”

Aleix Espargaro:

“I’m happy with the improvements made since yesterday as we closed half-a-second closer to the fast guys compared to the lap-times yesterday; which gives me great confidence that we are working in the right direction. We have a good set-up with the geometry of the bike and I’m getting more-used to being faster and more competitive with my new bike, so we are very happy and really looking forward tomorrow. We still need to work more with TC and rear-grip as these are the main issues right now, but I think that the time we did today was quite competitive.”

Maverick Vinales:

“Today I attempted to try several different lines and also tried different riding styles to try to find which is the best and at the end of the session, I made a good lap, so I’m quite satisfied with the job done today. It’s rather important for me now to improve the lap times, and even step-by-step, I can feel that we are going in the right direction. I’m sure that I can improve a lot more if I have more laps and gain more experience; so I’m really keen to do as many laps as possible. We will try to make one long run tomorrow, but the primary plan is just like today; go step-by-step and target the best lap-time at the end of the day.”

SUZUKI MotoGP concludes its first test of 2015 tomorrow and will return to the Sepang International Circuit at the end of the month for a further four-days of testing in preparation for the opening round of the MotoGP World Championship at Losail, Qatar on March 29th.

Sepang Day 1 & 2 Combined Times: 1 Jorge Lorenzo (Yamaha) 1:59.963, 2 Andrea Dovizioso (Ducati) 2:00.015, 3 Marc Marquez (Honda) 2:00.146, 4 Dani Pedrosa (Honda) 2:00.260, 5 Valentino Rossi (Yamaha) 2:00.380, 6 Andrea Iannone (Ducati) 2:00.391. 10 Aleix Espargaro (SUZUKI MotoGP) 2:01.344. 15 Maverick Vinales (SUZUKI MotoGP) 2:01.916.
Source Suzuki Racing

domenica 1 febbraio 2015



SUZUKI MotoGP begins 2015 pre-season tests at Sepang in Malaysia next week in preparation for its return to the premier class of motorcycle racing at Losail, Qatar on March 29th.
Despite a forced winter testing ban, new team riders Aleix Espargaro and Maverick Vinales, plus Suzuki’s factory technicians, have been hard at work training and continuing development of the 2015 GSX-RR MotoGP machine that the young Spaniards will race in the 18-round series.
The official four-day test at the 5,543m Sepang International Circuit, 60km south of the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur, will see all the 2015 MotoGP factory teams together on track for the first time between February 4-7th; and the first opportunity for Espargaro and Vinales to evaluate the new developments made to the GSX-RR at Suzuki’s development centre in Ryuyo in Japan since the previous tests in November.

SUZUKI MotoGP Team Manager Davide Brivio said: “We are going to start the first test of the season, it is just another test for us, but the feeling this time is completely different as this is the real preparation for the coming season that starts very soon.
“Going to Sepang we are in the same situation as everybody else as we start to prepare for our first season and of course we are all very excited. We have just finished assembling the new bikes in Japan and we know that our riders can't wait to get back on the bikes as we start this new project and understand where we are at regarding development.”

Espargaro said: “I'm really excited to get back to the track again on my Suzuki. The first tests in Valencia and Jerez last November were good and satisfying so we have basically kept working in the same direction and targeting the first race of the season. We will have lots of hours testing in Malaysia which means that there’s plenty of time to try the new bike and I'm sure that we can be competitive against the other teams and riders.”

Vinales said: “I'm 100% ready to get back in action again and I can't wait to get on the bike in Sepang. I've spent most of my time over the winter riding motocross, cycling and ice racing and I have done whatever I could do to be fit and ready for the first test. I'm confident in my physical condition and I believe that the Suzuki engineers and our team has kept working hard during the winter months; I’m very excited to see the progress made on the bike. I already have a very positive feeling from the tests in November and my expectations for my first MotoGP season with Suzuki are extremely high.”
Source Suzuki Racing


mercoledì 7 gennaio 2015

Video Season 2014 Team Suzuki MotoGp

Fantastic video on the 2014 season of Team Suzuki motorcycle in the racing department, the debut of Valencia, the Team 2015. Good Vision

lunedì 24 novembre 2014


Here we are in Jerez, final preparations for the start of two days of testing, and Espargarò Vinales engaged in finding the right settings and make the bike competitive 2015

domenica 23 novembre 2014


Test 24/25 November at the Jerez circuit Team Suzuki MotoGP track with Espargaro and Vinales.

Monday 24 and Tuesday November 25th at the Jerez circuit will be the last test in view of the 2015 MotoGP season
Espargarò Vinales and will have much work to do in the two days of testing to give more indications on possible adjustments to the team and on the parts that will be tested in two days.
We will follow closely the two days and we will keep you informed of everything that happens on the track.

domenica 16 novembre 2014

Aleix and Maverick speak of Gsx-RR

Aleix Espargaro, that after closing the Day-1 at 14 ° 1 '3 by the best lap of Jorge Lorenzo (Yamaha MotoGP Movistar) has particularly impressed in the Day-3, remaining constantly in the top positions a few tenths off the best lap before closing 10 ° to a second round from 1: 30 973 final of Marc Marquez (Repsol Honda).
After the test, the 25 year-old Spaniard said he was quite surprised 'positive' by the outcome of the test Valenciano, especially with regard to the progress made over the three days (although the Day-2 is virtually lost due of rain). These observations on the impact on the new bike:

"I am very happy with our first test. Unfortunately, because of the rain, we have completely 'lost' on the second day, but we learned so much about the bike. The first day we used it just to 'know' the bike and find the location right in the saddle, but today we tried to take it to the limit and I must say that I found the frame really good: the bike bend very easily and is very easy to handle. we have also made great strides with the electronics and the improvements in terms of traction control and engine braking. i'm quite optimistic about our package: our times are not too far from those of the best, so right now i can not wait for the next test to go ahead with the development. "

Maverick Vinales, in Moto3 World Championship in 2013 and 'Rookie-Of-The-Year' this year in Moto2. In a meteoric career progression, the 19 year old Spaniard finds himself now already with the degrees of official rider in the premier class of the World Championship, and his new adventure with the cars 1000cc began precisely with these three days. 1: 33 216 his best time, clocked in the Day-3, more than 2 "from the second best time of Marquez. Vinales commented on his 'first approach' with the Suzuki GSX-RR:

"Overall, I am very satisfied with this test: I could not do many laps and this was very important for me to get to know the feeling you get on a MotoGP bike. I found a better grip with the hard tire, so that in third day I was able to do the same lap times that I did on the first day, when I shot with the soft tire. when I put the 'soft' I could not anyway to lower the times, and so I preferred to concentrate on finding the best trajectories on the track. I learned a lot about the bike and I had a great drive! Now anxiously await the next test in Jerez, where we will have much more material to try. "
Source Motoblog.


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