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Visualizzazione post con etichetta #suzuki #motogp #valencia. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 5 aprile 2016

The Dream For A Breath

We got there, we were there, so lacked a little but it is all over in a crash.
Argentina, part of the Grand Prix with the unknown quantity of tires, Michelin does not guarantee the durability throughout the race and forces everyone to make the change bikes after the first half.
Espargaro falls after a few hundred meters but gets up and tries to do everything possible to continue the race, crazy Vinales part with the large group and with the passage of the turns is queued to the leading group with Marquez, Rossi, Dovizioso, Iannone, passing them one by one up to stroke for several laps in second place.
We all thought that the big day was arrivat, finally Suzuki them in front to fight with the best and give him a hard time.
Too bad that the dream is finished into the corner where the front loses traction dispelling this great occasion and removing Vinales from the fight for the podium.
Back in the box again with the helmet on the tears of desperation of the young talents we were eased by mechanics in an attempt to console him and making him strong for the big race done.
At the end we come away with nothing in his hands, was the big break but did not go well, the fact is that there is very positive and the stat domostrazione jumping a qyalità both the pilot of the bike and now everyone knows which will also consider the suzuki like a motorcycle that can 'be annoying in the top positions and Hoops.

l sogno per un soffio.
Ci siamo arrivati,eravamo li,mancava cosi poco ma tutto è finito in una scivolata.
Argentina, parte il gran premio con l'incognita delle gomme , #Michelin non garantisce la durata della gomma per tutta la gara e obbliga tutti a fare il cambio moto dopo 11 giri.
Espargarò cade dopo poche centinaia di metri ma si rialza e cerca di fare il possibile per continuare la gara,Vinales pazzesco parte con il gruppone e con il  passare dei giri si accoda al gruppo di testa con #Marquez ,Rossi,Dovizioso,Iannone,passandoli uno ad uno fino ad accarezzare per parecchi giri la seconda posizione.
Tutti abbiamo pensato che il grande giorno fosse arrivato,Finalmente #Suzuki li davanti a lottare con i migliori e dare del filo da torcere.
Peccato che il sogno sia terminato in ingresso curva dove l'anteriore perde aderenza facendo sfumare questa grande occasione e togliendo Vinales dalla lotta per il podio.
Ritornato nel box con ancora il casco in testa le lacrime di disperazione del giovane talento sono state attenuate dai meccanici,nel tentativo di consolarlo e facendogli forza per la grande gara fatta.
Alla fine veniamo via con un pugno di mosche in mano, era la grande occasione ma non è andata bene,il fatto positivo e molto è che c'è stata la dimostrazione del salto di qualità sia del pilota che della moto e da oggi tutti sanno che dovranno considerare anche la suzuki come una moto che può dare fastidio nelle posizioni di vertice e che cercherà di fare qualsiasi cosa per salire su quel podio che da troppo tempo manca.
1 Marc MARQUEZ - Repsol Honda Team - 34'13.628 
2 Valentino ROSSI - Movistar Yamaha MotoGP - 34'21.307 + 7.679 
3 Dani PEDROSA - Repsol Honda Team - 34'41.728 + 28.100 
4 Eugene LAVERTY - Aspar Team MotoGP - 34'50.170 + 36.542 
5 Hector BARBERA - Avintia Racing - 34'50.339 + 36.711 
6 44 Pol ESPARGARO - Monster Yamaha Tech 3 - 34'50.873 + 37.245 
7 Stefan BRADL - Aprilia Racing Team Gresini - 34'54.981 + 41.353 
8 Bradley SMITH - Monster Yamaha Tech 3 - 35'04.337 + 50.709 
9 Tito RABAT - Estrella Galicia 0,0 Marc VDS - 35'04.611 + 50.983 
10 Alvaro BAUTISTA - Aprilia Racing Team Gresini - 35'15.016 + 1'01.388 
11 Aleix ESPARGARO - Team SUZUKI ECSTAR - 35'22.496 + 1'08.868 

venerdì 12 giugno 2015


And 'the case to say today Aleix Espargaro as Maverick Vinales and the whole team Suzuki were the Monstrous day of practice today at the Barcelona circuit.

Aleix puts all in a row in the second session, stopping the clock on the time of 1.41.158 pulling Marquez second of Pedrosa third at 0.285 and 0.631, in fifth position we find the other Suzuki's a great Vinales trailing by 0.764.
Surely the soft rubber used in the final by Aleix helpful to polish a few tenths but if it were not for the rubber would do almost the same time Marquez !.
On motion of Aleix today also debuted a new specification engine capable of recovering a few km / h on the straight but still remains distant with its 335,9km / h from lle Honda traveling about 344km / h
Different speech but in the same direction for Vinales in fifth place with traditional engine and great time behind the leaders, the boy is doing really great strides and I think the air of the house is good for our drivers.
Tomorrow the second day and time that you will even lower if the rain does not fall in the night, it's a nice boost for the whole Team Suzuki


E’ proprio il caso di dirlo oggi Aleix Espargarò come Maverick Vinales e tutto il team Suzuki sono stati Mostruosi nella giornata di libere odierna sul circuito di Barcellona.

Aleix mette tutti in fila nella seconda sessione fermando il cronometro sul tempo di 1.41.158 staccando Marquez secondo di 0.285 e Pedrosa terzo a 0.631,in quinta posizione troviamo l’altra Suzuki di un ottimo Vinales staccato di 0,764.
Sicuramente la gomma morbida usata nel finale da Aleix è stata utile per limare qualche decimo ma se non fosse stato per la gomma avrebbe fatto quasi lo stesso tempo di Marquez!.
Sulla moto di Aleix inoltre oggi debuttava una nuova specifica di motore capace di recuperare qualche km/h sul dritto ma rimane ancora distante con i suoi 335,9km/h da lle Honda che viaggiano sui 344km/h
Discorso diverso ma nella stessa direzione per Vinales in quinta posizione con motore tradizionale e grande tempo a ridosso dei primi,il ragazzo sta facendo davvero passi da gigante e credo che anche l’aria di casa faccia bene per i nostri due piloti.
Domani seconda giornata e tempi che si faranno ancora più bassi se la pioggia non dovesse cadere nella notte,è una bella iniezione di fiducia per tutto il Team #Suzuki


mercoledì 4 febbraio 2015


SUZUKI MotoGP has completed a positive first day of testing at the Sepang International Circuit in Malaysia as the team prepares for a full factory comeback to the 2015 MotoGP World Championship. 

Team riders Aleix Espargaro and Maverick Vinales both made steps forward with new chassis and engine refinements on the 2015 GSX-R MotoGP machine in dry conditions at the 5.543km circuit as track temperatures reached 50 degrees during the first of three-days of testing alongside all the 2015 MotoGP teams. 

Espargaro completed a total of 46 laps today, improving his times during each session and setting a best-lap of 2:02.225 on his 42nd circuit, while Vinales used his time to post 69 laps with a best time of 2:03.164 on his 58th-lap. 

Aleix Espargaro: 

“I am very happy to get back on the bike again after a long winter period and this is what I like a lot. Although I’m not too much happy with my fitness right now, as I could only train really hard during last 10 days because of my injury, I’m not 100% yet. But this should not be a big problem as we have plenty of time before the first race in Qatar. Regarding the bike, I like it a lot and it is working really well; plus we also have good grip. Of course we need a lot more testing to obtain the best set-up, but for the moment we also know that our main target is to improve the power. We need to be patient because it will not be so easy, but regarding the current situation, I think that the gap in lap-times between us and our main rivals is not a great issue.” 

Maverick Vinales: 
“It was a good day and I’m quite happy. We still have many things to work-through on the bike and also myself as it was my first ride after three months, but as it was only the first day, it was important for me to get back my feeling on the bike first. The bike was quite similar compared to the one I tested in Valencia, although I felt a great improvement with anti-wheelie system; which was much smoother than before. The important target here is to get a good pace going and that I’ll keep trying to give my best."

Davide Brivio – Team Manager: 

“Today was a positive day because we had some good confirmation and had no technical troubles. This is something that our engineers have been working-though during the winter in Japan for improving the reliability, and we are glad that we had a good response today on this side. We also had the riders very excited to go back on the bike with huge motivation - and we just started with both of them to work for the settings including electronic issue targeting to the start of the season ahead. Today was a kick-off for this season’s testing, but it was also like a running-in day for us and we are quite happy with today." 
Source Suzuki Racing

martedì 11 novembre 2014


Aleix Espargaro: 

“It was really fantastic. I feel the riding-position is much better compared to the one that I rode this year, and it turns very well so that braking and turning into the corners is really comfortable for me. 

“We are still missing some top-end power but I was previously informed this by the Suzuki engineers and I believe that they are working on-it, but the electronic control is not too bad, obviously. 

“The machine feels quite compact for me as I am quite tall, but I really enjoyed riding it and had a very positive start: I'm so exciting to continue riding it tomorrow. 

Maverick Vinales: 
“It was an amazing experience and I really enjoyed today. It wasn't easy to get used to the power and speed for me in the beginning, so I paid a lot of attention and concentrated at the start of the session and tried to adapt little-by-little. 

“The chassis is quite compact – and that fitted me very well – and I could brake as hard as in Moto2, but I’ve only opened ‘full-gas’ in the middle of the straight-straight so far. I'm also not using the electronic control either, apart from the traction control, so there is still a lot to do. The bike leans and corners easily, even though I've not had to change my riding-style so much; I’m really feel comfortable without modifying anything. 

“I hope the power-delivery will be improved-more for me as we continue our testing, but I also need to learn lots more myself and improve my riding as well.” 

Davide Brivio – Team Manager: 

“I'm quite happy with our first day. The new team atmosphere is especially good, which gives the team a good motivation and I’m glad to see that our new riders look so happy on their bikes. Our garage looks happy and relaxed. 

“Another positive thing was that we'd got lots of feedback from our two riders: Aleix, who has more experience, understands the machine’s character very quickly and gave us the positive-points and negative-points immediately; while Maverick - who also enjoyed riding the MotoGP bike for his first time - prefers to make his steps slowly but steadily to have confidence and find the limits. 

“Overall, it was a very positive start, and we hope the weather stays good tomorrow, and to continue a good improvement and direction.” 
Source Suzuki Racing.


lunedì 10 novembre 2014


It ended the first day of collective testing of MotoGP in 2015 with a view.
In Valencia took to the track this morning 27 riders so many new faces and others who have jumped on their bikes to another, among them Aleix Espargaro and Maverick Vinales.
The day of the two new riders of Team Suzuki was positive, Aleix finally climbed on a factory bike doing 35 laps, your information will be very important for the team, coming from a Yamaha serve much the differences between his ex-motorbike and this and suggestions for improvement will certainly be useful.
Something different for Maverick that closes the day with 63 laps to him was the jump in class and now has started his training to get used to the different powers of the bike, tires and brakes.
On this day you have not tried the lap time but first and foremost an outlet for the entire operation of the new bike and parts to begin testing.
From the ranking we find that Aleix today went faster than De Puniet on the weekend of the race, this is very promising for the level rider / bike and already tomorrow, but even more in the next test we will try really the lap time and file detachment from the bike more competitive the lot.

Si è conclusa la prima giornata di test collettivi della MotoGP in ottica 2015.
A Valencia sono scesi in pista da questa mattina 27 piloti tante facce nuove e altri che invece sono saltati dalla loro moto ad un altra, tra di loro Aleix Espargarò e Maverick Vinales.
La giornata dei due nuovi piloti del Team Suzuki è stata positiva,Aleix finalmente è salito su una moto factory facendo 35 giri, le sue informazioni saranno moltoimportanti per il Team, venendo da una Yamaha serviranno molto le differenze trala sua ex moto e questa e i consigli per migliorarla saranno sicuramente utili.
Discorso diverso per Maverick che chiude la giornata con 63 giri all'attivo, per lui c'è stato il salto di categoria e da oggi è cominciato il suo apprendistato per abituarsi alle diverse potenze dalla moto,pneumatici e freni.
In questa giornata non si è cercato il tempo sul giro ma prima di tutto una presadi tutto il funzionamento della nuova moto e parti da cominciare a testare.
Dalla classifica notiamo che Aleix oggi è andato più veloce di De Puniet nel finesettimana di gara, questo fa molto ben sperare per il livello moto/pilota e gia da domani ma ancora di più nei prossimi test si cercherà veramente il tempo sul giro e limare il distacco dalle moto più competitive del lotto.

1 LORENZO  Jorge  Movistar Yamaha MotoGP 1:30.975  
2 ESPARGARO Pol         Monster Yamaha Tech 3 1:31.118 0.143 
3 SMITH  Bradley Monster Yamaha Tech 3 1:31.204 0.229 
4 ROSSI  Valentino Movistar Yamaha MotoGP 1:31.250 0.275 
5 IANNONE  Andrea  Ducati Team  1:31.465 0.490 
6 PEDROSA  Dani  Repsol Honda Team 1:31.602 0.627 
7 DOVIZIOSO Andrea Ducati Team  1:31.644 0.669 
8 CRUTCHLOW Cal  CWM LCR Honda  1:31.847 0.872 
9 PIRRO  Michele Ducati Test Team 1:32.054 1.079 
10 HERNANDEZ Yonny  Energy T.I.Pramac Racing1:32.146 1.171 
11 BARBERA  Hector  Avintia Racing         1:32.190        1.215 
12 BRADL  Stefan  NGM Forward Racing 1:32.209 1.234 
13 PETRUCCI Danilo  Pramac Racing  1:32.314 1.339 
14 ESPARGARO Aleix  Team Suzuki MotoGP 1:32.315 1.340 
15 REDDING  Scott  Marc VDS Racing Team 1:32.998 2.023 
16 DE ANGELIS Alex  Octo IodaRacing Team 1:33.132 2.157 
17 VIÑALES  Maverick Team Suzuki MotoGP 1:33.268 2.293 
18 ABRAHAM  Karel C ardion AB Motoracing 1:33.446 2.471 
19 DI MEGLIO Mike  Avintia Racing  1:33.594 2.619 
20 BAZ Loris  NGM Forward Racing 1:33.834 2.859 
21 LAVERTY  Eugene  Drive M7 Aspar  1:34.320 3.345 
22 MILLER  Jack  CWM LCR Honda  1:34.633 3.658 
23 BAUTISTA Alvaro  Factory Aprilia Gresini 1:34.919 3.944 
24 HOFMANN  Alex   Aprilia Test Team 1:35.646 4.671 
25 MELANDRI Marco  Factory Aprilia Gresini 1:35.959 4.984 
26 MARQUEZ  Marc  Repsol Honda Team 1:36.181 5.206 
27 MARQUEZ  Alex  Repsol Honda Team 1:36.658 5.683 

sabato 8 novembre 2014


Giornata Difficile per squadra il Suzuki caratterizzato da Problemi Tecnici e Di conseguenza il rallentamento del lavoro stabilito dal Team per questo fine settimana
Anche nelle qualifiche si è Cercato di continuare Il Lavoro ma De Puniet non è andato meglio della 20" posizione in griglia.
Domani Mattina Nelle libere prima della gara SI cercherà di sistemare Ancora la moto per dargli qualche decimo al giro in più.

Difficult day for the Suzuki team featuring Questions and Consequently, the slowdown of work established by the team for this weekend
It is also in qualifying and Tried to continue the work but De Puniet did not go better than 20 "on the grid.
Tomorrow Morning in free before the game IS still try to fix the bike to give it a few tenths per lap at the most.



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