lunedì 7 marzo 2016


I waited a few days to write the impressions on the result of the last test.
I would like to dream and slowly we always believe more, if the first output could be say a good ride and could be a case to improve so great to send Vinales on the top list then we got the last test where more and Suzuki with Vinales it is confirmed in the ball.
The young Spanish rider shows that the bike has improved significantly, and seems to fit very well more to him than to Espargaro, in the hope that Aleix has the confidence that can be traced back as his companion.
Lorenzo the most consistent driver has been confirmed and faster in all tests, and second Maverick has always placed in the top positions them and everyone else behind those with more or less serious problems that can be a big help in the start of the season.
Now there are very few days at the start of the season and Suzuki shows a competitive package that can scare them before, and we hope so because if first we thought it was just a shot in a good lap now there's confirmation and we are all impatient to see what happens at the start.
Maybe we can not win the world but from what we saw p will play in the top positions, and what do you think?

martedì 23 febbraio 2016


Market drivers ??
We move this day ..... in recent MotoGP test was taken this picture that depicts current Ducati rider Andrea Iannone chat with the brothers Roberto and Davide Brivio What are the main architects of the rebirth of this project and of course to all members of the Team Suzuki.
Now the question of the coming weeks and months will be ....... it's just a chat between Italian or is there some market under negotiation ???? 
We know in 2017 most of the top drivers will be out of contract and will decide where to go for the future.
Suzuki will be difficult to retain the talented Vinales and at the same time at Ducati with the return in orbit Prince Stoner could also happen that Stoner decides to return to 100%, and for one of the two Andrea there would be a free bike, to opt for Iannone Suzuki could be a good strategy but we are still in question ....... 
Is just a normal chat or there under another ????

Mercato piloti??
Movimentiamo questa giornata..... nei recenti test MotoGp è stata scattata questa foto che ritrae Andrea Iannone attuale pilota Ducati chiacchierare con i fratelli Brivio Davide e Roberto Che sono i principali artefici della rinascita di questo progetto oltre naturalmente a tutti i componenti del Team Suzuki.
Ora il quesito delle prossime settimane e mesi sarà....... è solo una chiacchierata fra Italiani oppure c'è sotto qualche trattativa di mercato???? si sa nel 2017 la maggior parte dei piloti di punta saranno in scadenza di contratto e potranno decidere dove andare per il futuro.
In Suzuki sarà difficile trattenere il talentuoso Vinales e nello stesso tempo in Ducati con il rientro nell orbita del Principe Stoner potrebbe anche accadere che Stoner decida di rientrare al 100% e per uno dei due Andrea non ci sarebbe una moto libera,Per Iannone optare per Suzuki potrebbe essere una buona strategia ma siamo ancora al quesito precedente.......è solo una normale chiacchierata o c'è sotto altro????

sabato 20 febbraio 2016


It ended the three days of testing on the Australian circuit you return home with a large amount of data, information, ideas, work to do.
The third and final day of testing sees best Marquez on the track followed by the Suzuki rider Vinales still in the early positions, confirming the step forward made by both the Gsx-rr but bigger was his leap and now in this first part of evidence It collects the results.
Less happy but still satisfied with the job done is the position Espargaro 'not so fast as the companion, with some technical problem but concentranto on more than running development work to the best time.
The weeks pass and the day of the beginning of the world is fast approaching, the current climate inside the box is definitely good, looking good times of the three days Vinales was by far the fastest driver and this is well hope in the future of the season to set a certain type of work and development of the bike to be constantly with the first and maybe be able on occasion to give a hard time for the top positions.
Conclusa la tre giorni di test sul circuito Australiano si torna a casa con un grande quantitativo di dati,informazioni,idee,lavoro da fare.
La terza e ultima giornata di test vede Marquez migliore in pista seguito dal pilota Suzuki Vinales ancora nelle prime posizioni confermando il passo in avanti fatto sia dalla Gsx-rr ma piu grande è stato il suo salto di qualità e adesso in questa prima parte di prove raccoglie i risultati.
Meno felici ma comunque soddisfatti per il lavoro fatto è la posizione di Espargaro' non cosi veloce come il compagno,con qualche noia tecnica ma concentranto sul lavoro di sviluppo più che la corsa al miglior tempo.
Le settimane passano e il giorno dell'inizio del mondiale è sempre più vicino,l'aria che tira all'interno del box è sicuramente buona, guardando bene i tempi dei tre giorni Vinales è stato in assoluto il pilota più veloce e questo fa ben sperare in prospettiva della stagione per impostare un certo tipo di lavoro e sviluppo della moto per stare costantemente con i primi e magari riuscire in qualche occasione a dare del filo da torcere per le prime posizioni.

giovedì 18 febbraio 2016


Vinales stands on the second day.
Second day of testing on the Australian circuit where the weather today was much more forgiving and all the drivers were able to carry out their work in this three-day test.
Note pleasant is the first Maverick in the ranking of the day time, the young driver was the author of a great job with his team, carrying out the work program and demonstrating that the path taken is the right one, time of 1.29,131 places it at the top of the day, the only rider to be dropped under the wall of 1.30 gave no small matter.
Comparing this time with his best realized in the race it is improved by about half a second, indication of a lot of effort and work by Suzuki both as regards the more powerful engine, heavy efforts on the new electronic settings and the new exchange, all these factors lead the new Suzuki gsx-RR to have a good potential and high hopes for the championship, more detached Espargaro who still can not find the right balance, but for him the work was not in the pursuit of pure performance, but to test all new parts and get the best out of all the material then tried to put it all together and have a good setting with the bike.
Tomorrow the third and final day of testing, it is true these days do not count but the moral damage and fiuducia for all people working in this project and believe that they can go big and perhaps give some displeasure at the strongest case at this time.
However we will have to wait for the first race to see real values ​​and see where Suzuki will, surely there are pilots in difficulty but also those who pre-tactics and attempts to conceal the true potential, what do you think of this season?

1 VIÑALES, Maverick Team SUZUKI ECSTAR 1: 29131 63/64
2 MARQUEZ, Marc Repsol Honda Team 1: 29 292 0161 78/79
3 LORENZO, Jorge Movistar Yamaha MotoGP 1: 29 357 0226 65/80
4 RED Valentino Movistar Yamaha MotoGP 1: 29 404 0273 52/71
5 Crutchlow, Cal LCR Honda 1: 29,671 0540 57/61
6 BARBERA, Hector Avintia Racing 1: 29 854 0723 35/54
7 Iannone, Andrea Ducati Team 1: 29 857 0726 69/76
8 PEDROSA Dani Repsol Honda Team 1: 29 917 0786 38/55
9 Redding, Scott Octo Pramac Yakhnich 1: 29,941 0810 59/60
10 SMITH, Bradley Monster Yamaha Tech 3 1: 29,992 0861 75/75
11 BAZ, Loris Avintia Racing 1: 30 134 1003 53/54
12 DOVIZIOSO, Andrea Ducati Team 1: 30 142 1011 73/88
13 ESPARGARO, Pol Monster Yamaha Tech 3 1: 30,154 1,023 63/65
14 PETRUCCI, Danilo Octo Pramac Yakhnich 1: 30,156 1,025 61/63
15 ESPARGARO, Aleix Team SUZUKI ECSTAR 1: 30,385 1,254 39/53
16 HERNANDEZ, Yonny Aspar MotoGP Team 1: 30,509 1,378 41/56
17 MILLER, Jack EG 0.0 Marc VDS 1: 30,514 1,383 57/58
18 Laverty, Eugene Aspar MotoGP Team 1: 30 617 1486 46/52
19 RABAT, Tito EG 0.0 Marc VDS 1: 30,650 1,519 81/81
20 TSUDA, Takuya Suzuki Test Team 1: 32,599 3,468 45/48

mercoledì 17 febbraio 2016


First day of testing for the MotoGP in Australia with all the riders lined up for this session where all the houses are to test new or have the confirmations of the pieces tested in Malaysia.
Time does not allow truce today with periods of rain and other dry, which complicates the task of all the drivers without having the opportunity to have a good setting to carry out the planned work.
In Suzuki registers the Second place Vinales behind Petrucci, is a nice confidence boost the position of today, this means that in maverick critical condition is in good shape and can have their say.
For against this weather condition will not be the Possibilia to do the work that the Team had planned both to improve the electronics that is a big question mark for all that to refine the seamless exchange where Suzuki brought here two version to be tested on Gsx- RR.
Aleix instead is located at the back having not done a lot of laps in order to avoid unnecessary risks that we may be falling under these conditions.
Let's say that at the end of the ranking of the times today is not given much from the wealth of news flow from various teams but only from the wrist of the drivers.
Tomorrow hopefully in better weather um to see some most interesting having available also for Suzuki pilot testers for faster work.

Prima giornata di test in Australia per la MotoGp con tutti i piloti schierati per questa sessione dove tutte le case devono testare le novità o avere le conferme dei pezzi provati in Malesia.
Il tempo non concede tregua oggi con momenti di pioggia e altri di asciutto che complica il compito di tutti i piloti senza avere la possibilità di avere un buon setting per svolgere il lavoro programmato.
In casa Suzuki si registra il Secondo posto di Vinales dietro a Petrucci,è una bella iniezione di fiducia la posizione di oggi,questo vuol dire che in condizioni critiche maverick è messo bene e può dire la sua.
Per contro questa condizione meteo non da la possibilià di svolgere il lavoro che il Team aveva programmato sia per migliorare l'elettronica che è un grande punto interrogativo per tutti che per affinare il cambio Seamless dove Suzuki qui portava la versione due da testare sulla Gsx-RR.
Aleix invece si trova nelle retrovie non avendo fatto molti giri per evitare inutili rischi che ci possono essere cadendo in queste condizioni.
Diciamo che alla fine la classifica dei tempi di oggi non è data molto dalle novià portate dalle varie scuderie ma solamente dal polso dei piloti.
Domani si spera in um meteo migliore per vedere qualche dato più interessante avendo a disposizione per Suzuki anche pilota tester per velocizzare il lavoro.

1. PETRUCCI, Danilo - Octo Pramac Yakhnich - 1:31.764 
2. VIÑALES, Maverick - Team SUZUKI ECSTAR - 1:32.483 - +0.719 – Lap 20 / 20 3. SMITH, Bradley - Monster Yamaha Tech 3 - 1:32.590 - +0.826 – Lap 27 / 27 
4. REDDING, Scott - Octo Pramac Yakhnich - 1:32.864 - +1.100 – Lap 33 / 41 
5. CRUTCHLOW, Cal - LCR Honda - 1:32.948 - +1.184 – Lap 21 / 21 
6. ROSSI, Valentino - Movistar Yamaha MotoGP - 1:33.088 - +1.324 – Lap 26 / 27 
7. ESPARGARO, Pol - Monster Yamaha Tech 3 - 1:33.126 - +1.362 – Lap 20 / 20 
8. HERNANDEZ, Yonny - Aspar MotoGP Team - 1:33.841 - +2.077 – Lap 6 / 6 
9. MILLER, Jack - Marc VDS Racing Team - 1:33.992 - +2.228 – Lap 6 / 6 
10. IANNONE, Andrea - Ducati Team - 1:34.049 - +2.285 – Lap 7 / 9 
11. RABAT, Tito - EG 0.0 Marc VDS - 1:35.273 - +3.509 – Lap 28 / 29 
12. MARQUEZ, Marc - Repsol Honda Team - 1:35.354 - +3.590 – Lap 18 / 20 
13. ESPARGARO, Aleix - Team SUZUKI ECSTAR - 1:35.584 - +3.820 – Lap 2 / 2 
14. LAVERTY, Eugene - Aspar MotoGP Team - 1:35.679 - +3.915 – Lap 5 / 10 
15. TSUDA, Takuya - Suzuki Test Team - 1:36.166 - +4.402 – Lap 6 / 6 16. LORENZO, Jorge - Movistar Yamaha MotoGP - 1:39.825 - +8.061 – Lap 14 / 24 
17. PEDROSA, Dani - Repsol Honda Team - 1:40.138 - +8.374 – Lap 15 / 15


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